The Things You Need To Consider Before Studying Medicine Abroad
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I’ve recently had a few students ask me ‘do you know anything about x university in Cyprus? Or ‘they don’t require the GAMSAT, so I’m thinking about applying’.
Now when I hear this, I internally scream “What are you thinking”!!!
However, first let me clear on why I have that reaction. They want the easiest route possible to get into medicine. It’s so obvious to me, but alot of the time, not to the student.
So this means looking at ANY university that will NOT require the GAMSAT (because GAMSAT is the devil).
Firstly, if you found a recruitment company or agent via social media -> immediately think otherwise. Since when does Usyd, Notre Dame or UQ EVER recruit new students via those platforms? Never. Yes, they do marketing but NEVER do they source students via social media.
Secondly, take a close look at the credentials of the university -> have you ever heard of it before? Does their website scream ‘I’m a marketing campaign, not a real university’?
Thirdly, LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION. If the uni is based in or near a war-torn country. Think again. Being halfway around the other side of the world from your family, in an eastern European country (but teaches the med degrees in English) doesn’t exactly sound like the place you’d want to be learning medicine in the first place.
Lastly, if you REALLY want to study your med degree abroad, you need to think long-term picture. Once you get that certificate, how do you know you’ll instantly be able to get a job in Australia? We have lots of foreign degrees ot recognised when wanting to practice in Australia or having to take further exams and tests to be certified.
After all the hard work you’ve put in, you don’t want to have to be in that position of not being able to get a job or have your degree recognised.
We specialise in preparing students for the GAMSAT. Don’t let the fear, failure of past mistakes make you rethink your options. Talk to us. We can help.