What I Learnt Hanging Out With Richard Branson

What I Learnt Hanging Out With Richard Branson

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It was an absolute honour to hang out with and go on Safari with one of my heroes Sir Richard Branson.

I believe that who you surround yourself is who you become. We constantly surround ourselves with high performing individuals and Richard is one of them. He’s changing the world in a big way.

Other then his business conglomerate, Virgin, he’s created Virgin Unite which is the charitable arm of the business. Through that, they run a number of initiatives that are shaping the world we live in.

I’m going to be sharing some of my biggest lessons from my time with Richard – things such as, how to achieve great things in life (start NGOs, change the world), how to avoid burnout, the future of medicine (big things are happening here) and much more.

Who you surround yourself is super important. They can either LIFT you up or bring you DOWN.

As a high achiever, sometimes you can bite off more than you can chew. There are times when you don’t feel like doing what you should be doing (aka study) and it all feels like too much.

When I asked Sir Richard Branson this question, he goes ” the way I manage these situations – I create a team of support. I build a team around me to support through these challenges”.

So, what team are you building around you? Does your team demand too much of your time? Does your team expect all your attention? Does your team understand and support your goals? Who supports you through your study, your application process, your interview preparation?

Who’s got your back through these tough times?

At PassGAMSAT, we’ve got your back. We want to create the next generation of Doctors’ who has YOUR back.

So make sure, that you know who has your back and supports you during those challenging periods because if there’s anything to take away from this is that you need support in life.


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