Who are the GAMSAT Hobbyists and Forum Flexors?
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If you’re traveling the plains of GAMSAT preparation on your way to the March exam then I’d like to introduce you to two of your new best buds.
They are the most common of the bottom-dwelling inhabitants of GAMSAT forums and online ‘communities’…
They are – the GAMSAT Hobbyists and the Forum Flexors.
Firstly, Forum Flexors.
They are flexin’ as a forum member should.
Camouflage is not their forte.
In fact, you’ll notice them easily by their big puffy personas. Not so subtlety talking about how great they are and how well they’re doing in their GAMSAT preparation compared to everyone else.
One suspects it’s mostly to convince themselves, rather than anyone else because deep down they are the most insecure of the forum natives.
Ironically, despite all their flexin’, they still haven’t gotten into uni. Hmmmm…
Any poor sap who is taken in by the flexors and follows them only serves to sure up the flexors house of cards for one… more… day. Before it, all comes crashing down.
The saps only have themselves to blame.
Then we move onto the next suspect in Dr Tom’s GAMSAT wildlife line up:
The GAMSAT Hobbyists.
Have you ever shaken someone’s hand and they gave you the ‘wet fish’ handshake? Their grip was all limp like a dead fish in your hand?
It’s gross, right. And annoying.
Well, that’s how a GAMSAT Hobbyist approaches the GAMSAT, becoming a doctor, and life in general – with the drive and commitment of a wet fish.
They’ve done 3 or 4 GAMSATs, often even more…
And they’re still going. Always half-assing it.
And not because the GAMSAT is hard, or I was busy, or I was just trialling it out, or things came up in my life and I couldn’t study…
Or whatever lame excuse they come up with.
That’s not why they keep stuffing it up. No.
It’s because they are a wet fish.
Until that changes, nothing will.
Now, my wide-eyed grasshopper…
There are a number of our inhabitants to be wary of on your journey (who include, but are not limited to the Lone Wolf Tutors, The Freebie Frankensteins, The Study Group Vampires and if you’re been listening you would have already met the Industrial-Chicken-Farms).
And not least of which to be wary of is your Khaki-wearing GAMSAT Safari Guide, Dr Tom. He is definitely not for everyone. And with good reason.
My straight-shooting ways mean I want to wash away the fishy smell of the GAMSAT Hobbyists, and pop the inflatable Forum Flexors and instead speak directly to the real GAMSAT candidates who are doing their best but are lost in the jungle of confusion that is GAMSAT preparation.
Those who can see through the ridiculousness that is out there and just wants to get on with the business of getting a great score and becoming a doctor ASAP.
If that’s you, then you’re going to want to join the bootcamp.
And if it’s not for you, then that’s cool too. There’s a whole jungle out there of people who are more than happy to help. I’ve already introduced you to some of them.
Safe travels.