Which uni should be your first preference?

Which uni should be your first preference?

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I ran a webinar just for my Bootcampers about the applications and one of my beloved BC’ers asked something along the lines of:

My GAMSAT score is X and my GPA is Y, plus I have these extra bonus points for Deakin, which uni should be my first preference? 


If I don’t get an interview with my first preference, will I get my second preference?

To hear how I answered the first question, come along to the webinar I’m running tonight. (There’s more to the answer than I could cover in an email.) It’s open to the public and we’ll be covering many of the questions we’ve been getting since the results came out on Tuesday.

But it’s the second question that’s more interesting.

Because getting this one wrong can cause someone with an otherwise decent score to actually miss out on an interview with any uni.


The GEMSAS system is amazing.

It’s designed to divvy up, as fairly as possible, a handful of positions among thousands of people, and give the universities the ability to reject some of them, plus still help the applications get positions where possible.

It’s complex, it’s beautiful, and it’s almost impossible to ‘hack’.


Over the 14+ years, we’ve identified strategies and principles that have helped us place more people, even people who you’d be surprised to see get in, in medical schools than probably anyone else, based on what I hear.

Most of them are simple, yet highly effective, and often overlooked.

Others are more complex and take some thinking to apply.

Point is,

Without them it’s kind of like shooting darts in the dark… someone’s gonna get hurt.

With them,

Well, that’s how Lauren got into UQ with only a 56.

If you’d like to know how to apply some of this brilliance to your application, then come along to this tonight.


Dr “Thou shalt apply” Tom


How To Pass The GAMSAT

Everything you need to know about what the GAMSAT is really about and what you can do to get the score you want!