What you did to prepare for March doesn’t count.
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It’s gone.
Forget it.
Whether you prepared well or you didn’t, it’s gone.
Whether you were on track, or completely off it, it doesn’t matter.
The race begins again.
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You have 8 weeks.
A little insight from behind the scenes…
Many people only give themselves 8 weeks to prepare for March (I recommend more, but that’s how it often pays out).
That’s their entire prep period.
Right now you have that same period of time until May.
How you use it will make all the difference no matter what happened for March.
Now you have a choice:
#1 Do nothing
And you know that will be terrible.
#2 Try to ‘maintain’ what you had for March.
But that won’t work either because 2 months is a LONG time.
It’s enough time to get distracted, especially with the craziness in the world right now, and get caught up with uni, life, whatever.
And you’ll end up falling behind.
Also, others will get ahead because they are doing it right.
#3 Do it right.
Study in the right way from now for the next 8 weeks.
That way you can catch up and get ahead while others are floundering and falling behind.
Use this time well.
If you want to know how to do it right, come along to this and I’ll give you the steps.
To Your Success,
Dr “Do it right” Tom
P.S. This webinar is being run as part of our “COVID19 GAMSAT Series”
This is our way of helping our beloved GAMSAT community through these crazy times!
It includes:
1 – A planning webinar to help you understand the May GAMSAT changes and make the most of your preparation until May.
It’s called, “The Ultimate May GAMSAT Game Plan: While others freak out, this is how YOU get ahead of the curve.”
If you missed this planning webinar, then you can watch the recording here.
2 – Free weekly online training sessions about how to get ready for the online exam. This webinar is one of them and you’ll be getting emails about the next ones.
3 – Extra COVID-GAMSAT support in our free community. Right now community is more important than ever.
People are talking about isolation…
Physical isolation, yes.
But not social isolation.
Social support is super important right now. I’m part of some groups where a little wisdom from someone I don’t even know made a huge difference.
If you want to join a bunch of GAMSAT candidates doing cool things, then join our Facebook group called: “COVID19 May GAMSAT: How To Prepare”