What is the price for our services?
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On a related topic…
I had a cancer scare a few months ago.
It turned out OK.
In fact, your Naughty Narrator is in the best health of his freakin’ life!
(Apart from the early onset Osteoporosis, that is. But that’s headed in the right direction now anyway)
But the GP sent me to a specialist because a test came back super suspicious. The worst part was that he didn’t explain the situation enough. Being a doctor myself, I thought about the worst-case scenario right away – the Big C – and asked him about it but he didn’t reassure me or explain it.
Serves me right for going to a bulk billing clinic.
That afternoon was a life-changing one – thinking what it would be like to have cancer and die in the next couple of years.
Really humbling kind of a day, you know.
It took me back to the days I was the Intern looking after the Radiation Oncology patients at St George Hospital in Sydney, seeing the terrible state they were in, the negative effects of the chemo and radiation therapy, the suffering, and their eventual demise.
there are great treatments for cancer these days and most people do it as outpatients and never see the inside of a hospital ward.
But the patients I saw as the doctor on the ward were there because they were really sick.
The days following that GP visit were pretty scary.
Then I spoke to some medically trained and experienced friends and family and realized that chances are, I’d be OK.
In the end, I saw the specialist, had more tests done and everything turned out hunky-freakin-dory.
And now I’m back in the gym as usual loading up my bones with as much weight as I can manage between guzzling protein shakes.
The reason I tell you this is because when someone has cancer like the patients I cared for on the wards or a cancer scare like I had, there are many people they speak to for help.
They don’t know what they’re doing so can’t do it on their own.
Even if they’re medically trained like me.
Imagine trying to decide on your own cancer treatment, picking your own Chemo drugs off a website!
That stuff’s poisonous and the situation is too overwhelming for most to be about to even thinking clearly.
You don’t know what you really need, what’s really going on, and what will actually make a difference.
That’s why we speak to a specialist.
Then once the specialist has gotten to know you, your situation, and your needs, they put together your plan and explain how the treatment will work.
It might sound a tad dramatic to some,
But that’s how I think about the GAMSAT.
When you consider the complexity of the situation, the life-changing impact of getting into medical school, and how it will affect not just you but your family and future family, it becomes clear that this is a big deal.
And for many people, this is THE most important thing in their lives.
It’s what they’re living for – to become a doctor or surgeon.
So then being forced to go to some impersonal website and have to pick your own GAMSAT prep program from a buffet-style list of courses it’s like trying to figure out your own medical treatment.
It’s almost irresponsible.
This is why we don’t offer our GAMSAT Bootcamp off a website.
You can’t find it anywhere online.
And that’s on purpose.
We have to speak to you first.
To see if it’s something that will actually help you. To see what you’re struggling with (not just the superficial stuff but the underlying issues you don’t see), what your situation is, what will really make a difference based on our years of experience.
And to see if it’s a good fit.
Only then do we talk about the Bootcamp and the investment.
This isn’t the usual approach of the Industrial-Chicken-Farm prep companies you’ve seen littering your uni campus…
It reduces the number of students who join us because they don’t buy on impulse (probably why the Industrial Chicken Farm don’t do it).
And, frankly, it allows us to screen out the douchebags.
The rude people, and those who don’t keep their word or appointments don’t make it in.
And we don’t just go for the ‘smartest’ people.
Instead, you need to have the right level of commitment, work ethic and be a generally nice person.
So the people who end up in the Bootcamp are some of the most motivated, kind, fun, and engaged people doing the GAMSAT.
This ain’t some FB group fill with Forum Flexors and GAMSAT Hobbyists.
This means we can work with you closely and support you like no one else can.
And the results speak for themselves.
If you’d like to see if you qualify, then click here, fill in the questionnaire and let’s see if we can help you.
Dr “Stronger than ever” Tom
P.S. These opportunities to speak to us always book out fast so you’ll need to watch out for the chance and jump on it.
P.P.S. If you book an appointment and don’t turn up without letting us know beforehand then you fall into the ‘douchebags’ category and will not get a second chance.