Want the easy, minimal energy way to prepare for GAMSAT?
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Do you just want to be told what to do to get a high score…
Sit and be taught everything you need…
Tick the boxes and have minimal difficulty or challenge along the way?
Well… that’s why you’re screwed.
The GAMSAT doesn’t work that way. Being a doctor doesn’t work that way.
Let’s look at this from another perspective…
Have you ever done any competitive sports? (If not, imagine you did)
Basketball, for example.
Let’s say you’re preparing for a big competition.
Would your coach ever say,
“In preparation for this BIG comp, I’m going to make the training easy for you. I’m not going to challenge you. Yeah, we’ll do some work but we’ll just cruise along, tick the boxes and do the training the easy way?”
Would a coach worth his angry whistle ever say that?
Hell. No.
And if they did you’d laugh your ass off as you walked out of there, and find someone who actually knew what they were talking about.
Even if you’ve never played basketball you know a big competition is going to be hard.
You know you need to be challenged in your preparation, but more importantly, you need to engage in the challenge and push yourself so that you grow and improve and can perform well on the big day. No one can do it for you.
So right now…if you’re looking for the easy way, then – be told what to do and passively absorb – way, sit in a room, be talked at and go through the motions… then you’re screwed before you even begin.
This is the way of the industrial-chicken-farm GAMSAT prep companies.
(It’s why I call them that.)
Sit in a room and we’ll talk at you (a.k.a. feed you) all day, answer some of your questions, you don’t have to think for yourself or be too challenged, your mind can grow fat and lazy (yum, plump chickens) and you can leave feeling like you’ve done something but nothing of any real value.
They’re too afraid to tell it like it is. Or they just don’t know or don’t care enough. I don’t know which one it is.
You can decide.
It’s sad when people tell me they want to take that approach.
But I get it.
This thing is hard.
And some people are working full-time, have kids, are at uni, are busting their ass, and are tired and worn-out already. They don’t have the bandwidth, or brainpower, left for the high-quality GAMSAT prep that’s required.
Nonetheless, you’ve got to accept the fact that the GAMSAT is not easy. It’s really, really hard.
And for good reason – you’re about to become a Doctor. (And I capitalise that on purpose). Medicine is about saving human lives. It’s no place for the easy-seekers or the passive learner mush-cookies.
Medicine is for those ready for the challenge, who will step up to the difficulties, take ownership of it, and push themselves in the right way.
That’s what it takes.
Once you’ve accepted this fact, then we can move onto how you can actually do it.
So let’s do that now because I think I’ve made my point, as difficult as it may have been.
Firstly, we need to address your energy levels.
From now until March you’ll need to clear out more time and energy (If you don’t know how to do that then talk to our team for help).
It’s not forever, just until March. Then you can go back to your usual lifestyle.
Then we need to make sure the time you spend studying is used well – where you challenge yourself in the right way (and just learning the topics and doing questions isn’t it), and push your skills, abilities, GAMSAT reasoning, and more. That way you’re learning what this exam is actually testing you on.
Anything else is pointless. Don’t do the GAMSAT.
I like to say:
There is much more to the GAMSAT than just physics and chem.
There’s all this other stuff like what we’re covering now that people don’t know about, don’t want to think about, or it’s not profitable to address (like in the case of the industrial-chicken-farms).
Because most people don’t want to hear it. But, keep in mind, most people will never become Doctors.
If you’re different and ready to do it the right way then you can bet your stinky B-ball tube-socks that we have a prep program for that. However, it will only help the right people. Not everyone.
The ‘right people’ being the one’s ready to change things around, step up to the challenge and do what it really takes to become a doctor.
Those who want the passive way need not apply.
If you want my help with all of this, then you can have a chat with my team about our Bootcamp:
Click here to talk about joining the Bootcamp.
To Your Success,
Dr “hard truths” Tom
If you want to know how to effectively deal with this fear and cut it out of your life, plus develop the knowledge and skills that are actually being testing in this unusual exam, then talk to us about joining our Bootcamp by clicking here and enter your details.