Trump’s out, Biden’s in: What it means for GAMSAT essays
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Pro’bly nothin’.
Well, unless you subscribe to the belief, which I do, that ACER takes their essay themes from the recent world and national events.
Because in that case, this will mean a helluva lot for the March exam we’re all gearing up for.
Things like:
Freedom of choice…
Freedom to your own body…
International relations…
War and peace…
Freedom of speech…
Freedom to disagree…
Independence vs dependence…
Science vs belief…
Common good vs individual rights…
Truth vs rhetoric…
All topics and themes that have been challenged or raised recently and will continue to be over the coming years in this new age of outspoken politicians. I try not to think about it too much in my day-to-day life but it’s been hard not to over the last few years.
Personally, I’m glad the Carrot-Man is out.
Still can’t believe he was elected in the first place!
The last few crazy years have made for great GAMSAT essay topics though and the ones listed above are just the start of what can come up in March.
The problem is … how do you prepare for all of that?
It’s a ‘uge list of broad and scary topics and there’s literally no way of predicting which one-two will come up.
So do you know what to study?
How do you know what they are looking for?
How do you confidently write a high-quality GAMSAT essay no matter what topic comes up on the day?
Well, I’ll be answering all of that and more right here.
In fact, just a heads up, this is the one and only time I’ll be doing this live training about the essay section before the end of the year.
With my schedule and the amount of work we have coming up until March if you miss this one you won’t get another chance definitely until the New Year, and even after that it’s looking unlikely.
If you’re not bothered by the essay section, then great. This isn’t for you.
On the other hand,
If you’re keen to know how to score over 70 on the essay section, even if you hate essays and your vocab and spelling are terrible (seriously, I didn’t believe it myself when I heard it the first time but the results speak for themselves), then this will be a bloody brilliant training session.
To your success,
Dr “Essay topics everywhere” Tom