This email ‘officially’ releases you from your GAMSAT fear of failure.
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Behold a quote from the late Steve Jobs.
It’s about fear of failure.
But if to use your quote interpretation skills and ‘read between the lines’ it’s about so much more:
“[when we started out] we said, you know, we have absolutely nothing to lose. I was 20 years old at the time, Woz was 24 or 25. So we have nothing to lose. I mean, we have no families, no children, uh, no houses. Woz had an old car. You know, I had a Volkswagen van. I mean, all we were going to lose is our cars and the shirts off our back. We had nothing to lose and we had everything to gain when we figured, even if we crash and burn and lose everything, the experience will have been worth 10 times the cost…the only thing you really have in your life is time. And if you invest that time in yourself to have great experiences that are going to enrich you, then you can’t possibly lose.”
And yes,
Some people have work, maybe even kids, but going 100% at the GAMSAT is probably never going to be anywhere near as risky as trying to start a business.
Even if it is,
There is no failure.
(Which is kind of what Steve’s getting at)
=> Learn how my students CRUSH the science section even if they’re scared of it.
There’s only feedback.
Only lessons.
Only experiences that make you stronger, better and wiser.
The way I see it, the only failure is not doing it.
Or, half-assing it and saying that was your best.
I mean,
Gimme a break.
A ‘trial GAMSAT’ is not a proper attempt.
What even is that?!
Doing it to ‘get a feel for it’ is like standing at the altar about to get married and saying,
“I’ll give it a go but I’m not taking it too seriously because I don’t expect it to go well, but who knows, we’ll see.”
True romance and commitment right there. 😂
Both of these approaches are essentially a reflection of…
A raging fear of failure.
And neither end up in a high GAMSAT score.
Or are particularly useful.
Here’s what happens:
Either, you get a bad score – which is most likely – and you then feel like crap, your self-doubts become even worse, and you have to pick yourself up, somehow build up your confidence and try to figure this thing out from scratch because a trial exam doesn’t actually give you much experience or insight into what’s required to do well.
So you’ve essentially only…
Wasted $500, a great opportunity and kicked what little confidence you had in the nuts.
You may get lucky and have a great score in a section or two but because you didn’t study much you don’t actually know why you got that score or how to improve it from there.
So again, it’s useless.
If you’re afraid of the GAMSAT…and let’s be honest…
It’s most likely the Science Section of the GAMSAT that you’re shytting yourself about…
Then I have something that will show you what it’s actually testing you on (and it’s NOT your knowledge of the sciences),
How to prepare for it effectively (whether you have a science background or not),
And how to do it even if you work full-time or have uni.
It’s a live online training called,
“What Is The GAMSAT Science Section Really About?”
Attending it doesn’t absolve you of the need to think about what you’re doing…
Engage in the study…
And work your butt off.
This is a medical degree you’re trying to get into after all, not your local community croquetting course. So,
It’s not for the lazy of thought or action.
If this sounds obvious to you, and you want to learn more than here’s the link to register.
Dr “Fear be gone!” Tom