The Reverse “Alert Kitten” GAMSAT Strategy
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We’ve been hearing a lot about the alert kitten and lazy kitten in how to fight the spread of COVID-19.
We want a lazy kitten so that the spread is of lower intensity and drawn out over time.
That way the healthcare system can cope with the number of patients.
That is completely 100% wrong when it comes to your GAMSAT prep, in my humble opinion.
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In fact, it works in reverse for the GAMSAT and instead what we want is a raging kitty ready to tear up the couch, your ankle, the dance floor and anything else that you put in front of it.
And here’s what I mean…
Most people end up sitting the GAMSAT over a long and depressing drawn-out period of time filled with struggle and disappointment. Doing it over and over before they finally give up or decide, “enough is enough! This next one is IT.”
At which point they may actually do ok, and potentially even get in.
That’s the lazy kitten approach to sitting the GAMSAT…
Long, drawn-out, no real effort, no real commitment. Just a soggy cereal, wet-fish handshake kind of approach.
Clearly, we don’t want that.
Instead, you want to get in asap, right?
Enter: “Alert Kitten GAMSAT Preparation”.
This is where you have the people who decide, “this is it! I’m going to give this next exam EVERYTHING I’ve got. I’m going to spike that curve of effort, commitment, dedication and work through the stratosphere and dominate this thing.”
They focus only on this exam. They do the work and do it right and guess what…
No, they still don’t always get in.
This exam is hard and people’s lives are complicated.
But over the last 13+ years, we’ve been doing this, the Alert Kitten GAMSAT sitters are the people I’ve seen who actually do get in.
If not right away, then very soon.
In fact, the few lazy kittens who do get in after a long drawn out affair – it’s usually because they came to us, we showed them the light, they perked up for the last attempt and became Saturday-night-out-at-bondi-during-lockdown-alert kittens.
So the question becomes, are you ready to be the alert kitten (in GAMSAT prep, not at Bondi or in COVID-19 because that’s a different story and super important for everyone’s’ well being) and get the May exam done right?
All jokes aside,
This is often what makes the biggest difference to the people we speak to, and can potentially be the thing that tips you over and into medical school.
If you’re ready for that then click here and come along to our live online training session where you’ll see how to do it.
Dr “Alert GAMSAT Kitten” Tom