The pesky need to be reliable in these unpredictable times
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Buenos Tardes Amigos,
In came a comment from the peanut gallery…
After missing two appointments with our team and being told she can’t have anymore:
I’ve only booked one but sorry that you can’t understand the unpredictability of today’s world. Wishing you all the best
Have a great day!”
She is so right it’s not even funny.
I mean,
Between TikTok, Insta, Snapchat, and Facebook I can’t predict where my next ‘like’ is coming from…
How’s a boy meant to maintain his self-esteem and know if the food he ordered was any good?
Plus, get this…
The other day I tried to get an Uber.
Turns out there were none available in my area.
I had to catch a taxi.
A taxi.
It took like 4 showers to wash the gross off.
The only thing I could do was spend the rest of the day hiding under my doona watching Netflix try to get some predictability back in my life.
And even they removed Seinfeld one day…
Without. Any. Warning.
I can’t even.
Had to switch to Stan, which btw, took two buttons too many.
And don’t get me started on Facebook with their regular changes to the interface. I don’t even know how to post on there anymore, although, somehow it hasn’t stopped my auntie from updating us on every aspect of her boring life.
And all those new variations of the ‘like’ button…
It’s too much.
Then there’s this bloody virus.
I mean,
The endless lockdowns reopen three-day-long weekend ones. I mean, make it a public holiday already!
Don’t people know how inconvenient this is for me? I haven’t been able to get my beard trimmed in months. I’m starting to look like Richard from “Guess Who”.
Yet people still expect you to turn up to things on time and keep your word.
Luckily our Bootcampers are far wiser than I, and probably better groomed too.
Here’s what one said about handling the challenges that life and GAMSAT throw at you:
The only trouble here is…
You have to actually turn up.
And if you can’t do it before you’re a Bootcamper, like our ol’ mate at the start of this email from the peanut gallery, then ya ain’t gonna do it once you’re in the Bootcamp.
It’s fun when they self-select out like this and whinge when we call them out on their crap.
Makes for fun emails.
If you would like to have a conversation with Mare to overcome your GAMSAT challenges and potentially increase your score in September by 15-25+ marks, then complete this questionnaire (60 secs) and let’s get you into medical school.
Dr “Loving it” Tom