The most terrible great results ever
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Getting into medicine isn’t always purity…
No sir-ey.
Case in point: The now-former Bootcamp member, Jonathan.
Jon did the GAMSAT 4 times and received 3x ‘email of deaths’ over the course of 4 long hard years.
But it didn’t start like that.
In fact, in the beginning, things looked really good for Jon.
Because after his first attempt he got an interview with ND.
Holy crap! That’s awesome, right?
Yes and no.
It’s a great result after one attempt, however, Jon received his first ‘email of death’ when he didn’t get an offer after that interview.
Which, from personal experience, I can tell you it is extremely difficult.
I had the same.
Got an interview with USyd and they said no.
It wasn’t even like I was a number on a page and they said no. They met me in person and got to know me at the interview and effectively said, “Nah, not you, mate.”
That hurts.
So I really felt for Jon.
But it didn’t stop him.
The next year, Jon went at it again and didn’t even get another interview.
You’d think he would get another one with ND because he got one the previous year. But it doesn’t work like that.
That was like having the carpet pulled from under him. Everything he was relying on was gone.
But again, it didn’t stop him.
So Jon went at it again. And again.
This is while he worked full-time running his family’s restaurant.
And if you know anything about the hospitality industry you’ll know what a mammoth task it is to run a restaurant. And Jon did it while preparing for the GAMSAT.
And this year, finally, after all that hard work and effort, he received the news he’s been dying to get.
And look, it wasn’t pretty. His journey was long and filled with dragons and demons at every turn. But that’s Ok.
As Jon says, it can even be beneficial in preparing you for medical school.
And chances are, if you’re having a rough time with the GAMSAT right now if you implement what Jon did, chances are you can do it too.
The most important part was that Jon worked his ass off.
We showed him how to use his time effectively, but he did the work.
If you’re ready to do the work and do it right, then let’s find out how that would apply to you – click here to join our Bootcamp.