The biggest (and most annoying) reason why you can’t improve your GAMSAT essays.
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In came a Facebook comment from Alisha Marie Johnson:
“Dear Dr Tom, I watched your essay seminar and went from a GAMSAT essay score of 53 to a 63… Thanks for helping me achieve huge improvements with my essay and S1 mark”
(btw she increased her S1 score by 11 points after attending my S1 seminar)
There is one SUPER ANNOYING reason why most people will never increase their score like Aleysha did …
And this gave me the shyt’s back when I was doing it, too.
I did the GAMSAT 3 times, English is my second language, I hated essay writing at school but desperately wanted to improve my GAMSAT essays.
So, yeah…
This bit really bothered me.
And it’s that once you’ve done the GAMSAT …
They do NOT give you any feedback on your essays.
Nothin’ at all.
Just a crap score that isn’t even your raw score.
It’s what happened to Alisha.
She came to me for help because she had no idea why she got a low score and how to improve it.
You’re completely in the dark with the essay section.
It’s an all too common story …
You don’t know,
Maybe you misinterpreted the quotes and theme, had a bad idea that was too common or too twist and difficult to follow, messed up your planning and/or structure, started the essay poorly with a bad introduction …
Didn’t articulate yourself well enough and confused the markers, didn’t include the right kind of evidence for your points, messed up the contents of each paragraph, concluded poorly …
Just wrote a response that completely missed the mark.
And maybe it was something else … entiiiirely.
You have no way of knowing.
And if you think you know, you don’t.
… You’re really just guessing.
Chances are,
It wasn’t that dramatic.
You probably didn’t completely mess it all up, or even any one part of it.
But instead you most likely jjjjust underperformed in one or a number of these areas (or something else completely).
And the right tweaks could make all the difference.
But… you’ll never know which one(s).
Or how badly you messed them up.
So you won’t know what to improve or even how to improve it.
Even though you would work your ass off to do so… if you only knew what it was.
And that’s the annoying part.
(And if you’re doing the GAMSAT for the first time, heed this warning, because you probably don’t even know where to start on all of this.)
That’s why I’m going to help you.
I’m going to show you how to find out what you’re messing up with your essays, how to fix it, what makes for a high scoring GAMSAT essay, the #1 thing they’re looking for, how long it should be, how to prepare for it and more.
I’m going to show you how to do it.
And I’m doing all of that on a live online training seminar that’s all about the essay section.
It’s short – only 90 minutes – and is actually useful.
And not just according to me.
You saw what Marie said above – a 10 point increase just from the stuff I cover in the free seminar.
And it takes away all the guessing.
I should be charging for it!
But I don’t … (yet)
Because we have a very simple business model at PassGAMSAT.
We help you for free and if you like it and want more, we can talk about joining my paid program called, The Bootcamp.
That’s exactly what I’m doing at this seminar.
Dr “Let’s improve your essays” Tom