Some fried chicken to help with your GAMSAT sorrows?
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You know what’s been going bananas in this CV19 era?
I noticed it when I was driving to Woolies a few months ago and there was a lineup of cars for the drive thru.
=> Click Here To Get Some ‘GAMSAT Comfort Food’ And A High Effective Study Plan For Sept
The line when around the building, out onto the street and down the block.
It was holding up traffic.
Soggy fried chicken that leaves you feeling sick and a little dirty for indulging in it (or was that just me when I made the mistake of thinking ‘how bad can it be’ and tried it recently)
Who would have thunk.
Then I looked into it.
Turns out it makes absolute sense.
KFC is cheap, it’s a decent meal (for many), it’s familiar and people like it. It’s even a bit of a treat during hard times that people can afford and take comfort in.
And it’s drive through and takeaway.
If you look at their share price (Collins Foods is the company that own the Aussie franchises), it’s been booming.
So how does this relate to the GAMSAT?
Well even when things around you are going bonkers, there is uncertainty and fear everywhere about what will happen next, there are always things that you can rely on and take comfort in.
Things that will get you through, provide some certainty, reassurance and guidance.
That’s exactly what we’ve been providing for our beloved GAMSAT community since the March exam was postponed and will continue to do so until things are better.
That’s right,
We’ve been giving out GAMSAT-pop-corn-chicken.
Soggy pieces of comforting goodness in uncomfortable GAMSAT times.
Let me rephrase that…
We’ve been giving GAMSAT candidates clarity on what to do now, the key essentials you need to get you through your GAMSAT study in these strange times. As well as certainty and reassurance.
In fact, we’ve broken it down into three simple steps.
These steps were taken from my experience working in frighteningly busy Emergency Departments where anything can happen and you need to perform well. As well as from what super high achievers and billionaires do to manage high pressure and fast changing environments.
As a result, our Bootcampers were not just calmer and more confident than your average GAMSAT candidate in the lead up to the May/June exam, but they were actually excited to do the exam!
And I’ll be sharing this with you here so that you can apply it to your preparation for Sept 2020 or March 2021.
Here to help,
Dr “More comforting and better for you than KFC” Tom