Seriously, are you wasting your time doing GAMSAT?
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In came a question from a concerned reader:
“I am social care worker and very interested in doing physiotherapy but I need the Gamsat to get in. I have no scientific background and I am terrible at maths. Do you think I am wasting my time trying to get the Gamsat? Also, I am in Ireland, is your course online?”
That’s ok. We won’t hold it against you 😉
We do everything online, and always have, so you can be in Ireland or Thailand, Anatolia or Mongolia, even Romania or Tasmania and get our help.
(To join the Bootcamp you need to talk to our team first, but this… is gratis)
*Ok, enough rhyming, Dr T* 😜
Back to the question at hand…
You can interchange “physiotherapy” with “medicine” or even “dentistry” and it’s a question we get… a LOT.
Do I stand a chance?
Can I do this?
Am I kidding myself?
=> Learn how to potentially CRUSH the science section… even if you have zero science background
And it doesn’t matter if it’s before doing the GAMSAT, after sitting it and waiting for results, while applying for interviews, or after having applied and waiting to hear if you’ll get one, while preparing for an interview, or after having done it and waiting to hear if you got an offer…
People still angst about whether they stand a chance.
Speaking of offers, GEMSAS released theirs last week!
We’ve been getting happy phone calls and messages from our Bootcampesr ever since. Love this time of the year.
As for those who didn’t get an offer, those doubts come up even more so…
Is this a sign? Should I give up now?
There are two things to consider:
1) Do you actually have what it takes to get through medical school?
(I’ll focus on medicine because that’s what the majority of my readers are doing, but as I said above, you can interchange it with any degree that requires GAMSAT).
Some people think that their struggles with the GAMSAT are some kind of indication that they maybe don’t have what it takes to get through medicine.
GAMSAT is NOT a reliable predictor of success in medical school, or even as a doctor.
Studies have been done to investigate this and…
The results come back the same:
GAMSAT is the worst and the interview is the second worst predictor.
While the best is…
Your undergraduate GPA.
If you have a GPA above the medical school’s minimum, you have what it takes to get through medical school, and potentially even thrive.
But you still have to pass the GAMSAT.
Which leads me to point #2.
2) If you study in the right way, with the right intensity, for the right amount of time you can get a great result on the GAMSAT
Even if you know so little science that Ohm’s are things you say when meditating….
Or it’s been so long since you’ve looked at the sciences that all your skills argon.
Get it?
If you’ve got the GPA, and you’ve got the right approach, you CAN DO THIS!
Here’s how to study for the science section of the GAMSAT in the best way possible.
Dr “If you’re not a part of the solution, you’re a part of the precipitate” Tom
P.S. I’ve been reading a book on helium.
For some reason I haven’t been able to put it down.