September results are out – what to do now?
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Buenos Días Muchachos,
September results went out yesterday.
I hope you received a score you’re happy with. 😎
(If not, then see below.)
If you did get a score you’re happy with then that’s amazing! You don’t have to worry or even so much as think about GAMSAT anymore and can get on with .. just enjoying my crazy emails.
Your GAMSAT journey is over. Interviews will be next (if you want help with those, reply to this email).
If you did NOT get the score that you wanted, then I know what it’s like.
=> Learn how to best prepare for March so that you improve your score by up to 25 marks.
Just a few years ago …
I couldn’t get into a medical school if my life depended on it!
I was 26 and after two years of sitting GAMSATs, I had nothin’ to show for it.
(Not even a funny t-shirt like “I did GAMSAT and all I have is this T-Shirt” – Trademark coming soon)
No matter how hard I tried,
I just couldn’t get a high enough score – even though I studied day and night … and even though I did everything the online groups and courses told me.
I did every practice question I could get my dirty downloading fingers on (multiple times) …
Studied an average of 6 hours a day …
(Yeah, I had no life)
And spent every cent I had on textbooks, resources on organic chem, physics, essay writing, the humanities and even a couple of courses that, ah… let’s just say … didn’t work for me.
When I told my tutors they said it must be “me” doing something wrong.
That I didn’t know enough science, write enough essays, read widely enough (whatever the hell that means) or do enough practice questions.
But those things only got me more of the same bad results and frustration.
In fact,
By this time I had also been rejected following a medical school interview (still not completely sure how I landed it) where they got to know me personally and said,
‘No, we don’t want you around”
Ouch. 😭
… I was crushed…
… had used up all my annual leave to study… and was so full of self-doubt and the fear of failure that …
I pretty much gave up on becoming a doctor.
Then one day,
Almost by accident, I discovered a ‘secret’ way of studying after hearing a GAMSAT preparation genius talking at a lecture.
An almost laughably simple technique that requires minimal-to-no memorising of science topics (Hallelujah!)…
No section 1 vocab lists …
No feeling like I’m not smart enough…
And absolutely no ‘reading widely’.
In fact, with this secret …
I made consistent improvements where I never had before.
For every section.
I almost couldn’t believe it.
I used to spend hours, days, weeks even, on learning science topics, vocab lists and doing practice questions and my marks only fluctuated and hit a plateau – and a low one at that!
But now they were improving in leaps and bounds without memorizing more science topics.
The result?
I was rejuvenated.
My hope and excitement returned.
I was actually feeling confident… mainly because my practice scores were consistently increasing.
I was even getting the hard questions correct – the ones I used to struggle with.
And my friends started coming to me to get help with their study – they saw me as the ‘smart one.’ 😆
And best of all …
It translated into results on the day. *insert all the happy emojis here!*
I was able to get into a medical school the very next year.
The results came so suddenly and so fast that …
I thought it was some kind of flute.
So I showed my method to a few people online and had them try it.
And you know what happened?
They got the same (and in many cases, better) results than I did just as quickly and effectively.
It was f*cking amazing.
I had discovered a way of studying for this strange exam free from memorizing useless knowledge that even people with not much or no science background could use to understand complex science questions and answer them correctly in only a few short months.
And science students or people with English as a second (or third) language could improve their S1 and S2 performance.
Without having to be a science guru.
Without being a literature interpretation or novel writing genius
And without endless tutoring.
In fact, as I said,
People tend to burst through plateaus and fluctuating marks, self-doubt and fears of failure, and see an improvement in their results the more they apply it… almost irrespective of their background.
There is a catch though…
And that is:
It requires work, and a lot of it.
It’s not something you can learn ‘via osmosis.’
It requires persistence and is not for people looking for ‘hacks’.
These are tested, proven and effective methods that must be applied correctly is they are to work.
Probably still sounds a bit crazy, doesn’t it?
I get it.
Sometimes I still have a hard time believing this is real …
And I created a company based on it!
All I ask is you hold off from disbelieving long enough to see the evidence for yourself.
It will take a short online lecture, which will help you prepare for the GAMSAT far more effectively and successfully than you ever dreamed possible.
Here’s the link to attend and learn all about it.
Dr “You CAN do this” Tom