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Self sabotage is the any action that gets in the way of your intent. Sitting the GAMSAT as a trial? Doesn’t count if I do badly and the most common form of self sabotage is procrastination.
This behaviour can create problems and interfere with our long-standing goals.
Self sabotaging is usually the blanket cover of fear wrapping itself up, so you are protecting yourself.
So, why do we it? Fear of failure. And this thought, comes from self doubt, negative thinking and your inner critic.
Do you say to yourself ‘it’s just a trial exam, so it doesn’t matter I don’t do well’ or ‘I can’t focus much on the GAMSAT because of uni’? Sometimes these reasons can be totally valid, however often they are steps leading you backwards, not forward towards your goals.
Some common forms of self sabotage are:
1) Fear of Failure or Familiarity of Failure
2) Need to be in control
3) Feeling of unworthiness
And as you may realise, most of these are forms of negative mindset.
So, how do we combat this form of self sabotaging?
Firstly, we must observe our own behaviour and learn identify and then acknowledge that we engaging in self sabotaging acts.
Secondly, remember that success isn’t a straight and narrow path. Learn to expect the unexpected
Thirdly, be kind to yourself.
Long-standing goals take nurturing, you don’t plant a seed and expect to see a tree the next day. It takes weeks, months even years to get the results and there is a lot of nurturing that takes in between, so start believing in yourself and the journey.