Why you need to avoid the flying cows in a Section 3 tornado
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There’s a lot of drama and noise around section 3 of the GAMSAT.
Truth is,
It doesn’t need to be that scary.
=> Learn How To Answer Section 3 Questions That Are So Hard And So Scary You Want To Turn Them Into Halloween Costumes To Frighten Little BioMed/Medsci Students
The way I like to think of it like this…
Have you ever seen one of those movies or tv shows about storm chasers?
Or maybe just a movie about an epic tornado?
As the storm approaches there are dark clouds all around. Lots of wind. People fleeing. Very ominous vibes.
As the main characters get closer to the storm it gets even crazier.
Things flying around – bits of wood, roofs, cows even…
There’s crazy-strong wind. Houses are being torn apart. It all looks and sounds very scary and like you really don’t want to be there.
But if you can get through that noise and drama…
And get into the center of the storm…
Into the ‘eye’ of the storm…
It’s peaceful.
There’s no wind in the eye of the storm – right in the center. It’s totally calm.
Don’t believe me? Look it up.
Right in the middle of a tornado, there’s no wind, no drama.
Just peace.
Same goes with section 3 of the GAMSAT.
The closer you get to it the more fear, drama, and even flying cows you see.
If you can get past the loud, scary, dramatic exterior, you’ll notice just how peaceful and straightforward a lot, if not most, of these questions, really are.
The GAMSAT is designed to be scary.
They put in a lot of distracting information.
Stuff you don’t need in order to answer the questions. This is what screws most people up. They get caught up trying to read and understand it all – which they can’t – and they run out of time and get the wrong answers.
However, if you apply what I’ll be sharing here you may find that you don’t even need to read and understand most of the stimulus material.
That’s right…
Imagine not having to read most of the stimulus material. How quickly could you get through section 3?
That’s kind of the ‘secret’ to getting through S3 quickly – you don’t read the whole stimulus.
Instead, you only pull out what you need to answer the question. (Because we still need to answer the question correctly)
If you’re running out of time in your s3 practice questions, chances are, this is your problem.
Or one of them.
One of the things we show our Bootcampers is how to work through the stimulus material quickly and effectively without having to read and understand it all.
It saves a lot of time, stress and actually gets you more correct answers because you spend your time and brainpower looking at the stuff that counts.
And I’ll be showing you some of these techniques here.
But just a heads up-
This is the last time I’m running this session before the March exam.
This is your one and only chance.
Dr “GAMSAT storm chaser” Tom