Road trip! Can Vanlife help you start your GAMSAT prep right?
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Couple of weeks ago I drove from Brisbane to Cairns… by myself.
If you don’t know – it’s a bloody LONG way.
I covered 2033 kilometers.
It was exhausting but a lot of fun.
To put it into perspective, Brisbane to Cairns is twice as far as from Sydney to Melbourne or even Sydney to Brisbane, but it’s all still in the same state.
Queensland is a huge state.
This former Sydney boy didn’t realise how far it was.
Plus it was my first time living the #vanlife.
I got one of those vans you see German backpackers in with the roof extended to make the van taller so you can stand up in it (it also means the thing catches the wind like a freakin’ sail constantly testing your unsuspecting Narrators reflexes as it tried to throw me into the trees at random times while doing 100kph). It had a kitchenette inside with a stove, microwave, and running water. There was a table and seats that converted into a bed.
All in the one little van.
I ate, slept, and drove in that thing for 6 days straight.
Lots of time to think, be alone, not think, sing badly, and relax.
Covering such a long distance and relying on my van and supplies to get me through, as you can imagine, required a lot of preparation.
And because it was my first time, I didn’t know what I didn’t know.
There were a number of things I would have done differently and wish someone had told me.
Such as…
It’s near impossible to pour water from a bucket directly into a small hole in the side of the van if you run out of water. You’re gonna look like a douche when you pour half of it on yourself and the other half on the dirt below you turning it into slippery mud perfect for getting your van bogged into. *facepalm*
…Bring a funnel.
Vodafone is less useful than two tin cans tied together with some string when you get outside of a city and when you’re relying on your 4G to use Google Maps in the middle of nowhere, you’re gonna get lost.
…Which is particularly bad at night in the middle of sugar cane fields (which makes you regret all the horror films you watched as a kid) with no street lights or street signs.
Cassowaries can be dangerous (they like to kick and tear out your innards with their claws – but are very pretty and, sadly, endangered) and Crocodiles inhabit the beaches of Northern Queensland even in the off-season so it’s not a good idea to go wandering around in the dark on the beach where you can’t see anything – that was a lucky escape.
Either way, I can’t wait to do it again.
Love my wife and daughter but it was great to get some alone time to unwind.
Relation of all of this to your GAMSAT prep…
Hmmm – take a good holiday after the GAMSAT?
More so, make sure you’re prepared, know what to expect and what to do to get the most out of your experience – otherwise, you might end up lost in the dark with the “Children of the Corn” (Anyone remembers that old horror flick?)
This might help you make sure your preparation goes more smoothly than my Crocodile filled muddy bog-fest of a road trip.
Seriously, can’t wait.
Dr “City Boy In the Country” Tom