Ready for a second chance fighting the Evil Clown in September?
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Repeating the GAMSAT is kinda like going up against the evil clown from the Stephen King horror film, IT.
It’s such a good movie!
I saw the original as a kid. It scared the crap out of me!
And when the remake came out recently my brother and I went together to relive that childhood experience.
In the movie, the clown, Pennywise, knows his victim’s deepest fears.
Pennywise then mutates into those fears and presents them to the person who then freaks out. At which point, Pennywise nabs ’em and takes them into his lair where they are trapped, never to live out their lives or dreams.
When I saw the recent remake as an adult I was like, this is a movie about personal development! About overcoming fears. How the only thing to fear is fear itself.
And GAMSAT can be just like that clown.
(Put that in ya positive-motivation-pipe and smoke it haha)
=> Click here to smash this upcoming September exam once and for all!
Not everyone does well on the GAMSAT first time.
Some people just have to get the first one out of the way before they can knuckle down and do it seriously.
“Do it as a trial”
“Get a feel for it”
Personally, I’m not a fan of that approach.
I never sat an exam without the intention of smashing it. Anything else seems kinda pointless to me.
But I get it.
Some people may even feel the need to prove to themselves, or their parents, that they tried to do it on their own first.
At that point, they realize this exam is harder than they thought…
That some serious study is going to be required…
And that they would benefit from some help.
At least the wise ones do.
There are people who just keep going at it doing the same bad preparation, or no prep, literally for years a.k.a. the GAMSAT Hobbyists.
The problem with repeating the GAMSAT is that once you’ve done it can kinda scare ya.
Just like the evil clown,
It gets into your head and plays on your deepest darkest fears…
Can I actually do this?
Am I kidding myself?
Am I smart enough?
Who do I think I am?
Sound familiar?
I had the same thing when I repeated the GAMSAT.
So did Jon:
It’s normal.
However, to prevent yourself from falling into the GAMSAT Hobbyists category, you’re going to need to make some serious changes to your approach.
And look,
You can try to figure this out yourself or try to hobble together a better approach.
But you wouldn’t be here reading this if you didn’t want my help.
So if you’re ready for a second chance at the GAMSAT (and make sure it’s your final one) then click here, fill in the questionnaire and let’s see if we can help you beat the GAMSAT Evil Clown.
Dr “This is your Second Chance September” Tom