![[Prediction] Essay topics that will come up this March](https://passgamsat.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/damir-spanic-z0snfFRa1fc-unsplash-825x340.jpg)
[Prediction] Essay topics that will come up this March
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ACER tends to pick essay topics that are loosely related to what’s been going on lately.
=> Click Here To Learn How To Write A 70+ Scoring Essay No Matter What Topic Comes Up
And when I say ‘loosely’ I mean it’s like Monash’s dedication to helping students… rather than just raking in the cash by monopolizing their government-funded post-graduate positions by only offering them to people who paid them for an undergraduate degree. But that’s a rant for another day.
So it’s pretty loose indeed.
With everything that’s been going on in the world this year, there are potentially endless topics that can be covered in March, and even later in September.
People get themselves into trouble when they try to predict or create an ‘essays bank’.
Both will create a false sense of confidence that will be crushed like your Humble Narrator’s dreams of an international holiday this year.
Because there is only one thing you can expect to come up in the essay section…
One thing.
(And this one’s guaranteed.)
Because it’s been happening every single GAMSAT since I’ve been doing this and that’s over 14 years now.
And not being aware of it or not preparing for it is about as good an idea as ScoMo going on a holiday to Hawaii when the country’s burning last Summer (remember that? Feels like years ago. It was last Feb)
So what is this one thing?
Well, the only one thing you can expect to come up in March AND in September is…
The unexpected.
Sounds funny when you say it like that but it’s 100% true.
You have no idea what the topics are going to be.
It could be a topic you know a lot about but want to organize your ideas really well so you stand out.
Or it could be a topic you don’t know much about, or you hate writing about, or have never even heard of before.
I’ve seen it all, my fine feathered friend
So the only way to get ready for this is to be ready for the unexpected and have techniques and strategies to write about whatever they throw at you.
If you want to learn how to do that then come along to this.
It will show you the most important thing that ACER are looking for in your essays – if you miss this it doesn’t matter how amazing a writer you are, you’re going to get a low score.
I’ll also show you what makes an idea good, bad, and amazing.
And how to improve your essay mark quicker than any other section in the GAMSAT
Plus a bunch more.
Spots are limited and will fill up fast.
Click here to find out more and reserve your spot.
To Your Success,
Dr “Getting your essays sorted” Tom