PassGAMSAT Reviews – the good and the bad.
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Every year at PassGAMSAT we get an influx of tear-jerking messages, reviews and thank you’s.
It’s one of the fun parts of this job.
Especially because every one of those happy PassGAMSAT reviews is someone who is going to become a doctor. It’s someone who has finally achieved their dreams.
That’s what has our team excited every year for the last 13+ years.
Her story brings us to tears every time – 4 GAMSATs while working full-time, doing a PhD, renovating multiple houses, and after surviving childhood cancer and an abusive home situation growing up.
Or Gemma who got into Melbourne uni on her first attempt while studying at uni and doing the GAMSAT.
And Sunnie who improved her science section score from a 51 to a 70 and got into medicine.
They are among many who wanted to thank us personally for the life changing help we provided.
However, the truth is that every GAMSAT preparation provider has good reviews and some (rather amusing, if you ask me) troll comments.
Every. Single. One. Of. Them.
It’s normal.
In fact, we’re upfront about it. We don’t hide them!
Here are some of my favourites:
We find them amusing because we know that after doing this since 2006-ish and helping thousands of people that we can help people succeed.
If you have seen our free materials and the case studies (just scroll through looking for the text screen shots) or had a conversation with us, you will see that we know what we’re talking about and can help you get in too.
We’ve proven it over and over again.
So anything else is just funny to us these days. Hence the hilarious responses to our lovable yet sadly confused trolls.
BUT seriously…
No matter how amazing we are, that’s not the full story.
We can provide everything you need to get in, and we do, but you still need to do the work. If you don’t do the work, and in the right way, you won’t make it.
We can’t sit the exam for you.
Seems obvious, right?
However, for some people it can be difficult to admit that they didn’t do the work or that they messed up or that they’re scared and don’t want to admit that something within them needs to change.
I get it, it’s not easy.
Sometimes doing the work involves facing difficult truths and challenges head on to resolve them #thatsbeingadoctor.
But it’s essential. Just like a doctor having a difficult conversation with their patients is essential.
Some people would rather blame the world for their problems and become online trolls than have an open honest adult conversation with people who can help them. Which only robs them of the lessons they could have otherwise learnt.
And honestly, do you really want these people to become doctors?
That’s why there are troll comments about us and at the same time there are those who use the exact same process and succeed and provide amazing growing reviews.
Even with all that said, and with all the incredible results we’ve produced, we always want more.
Although we’re pretty amazing (if I do say so myself) we are always growing.
We’re always improving what we do.
We’re taking feedback and implementing positive changes to get even more incredible results! And we’re doing pretty darn well at it and have been for over 13+ years now.
The way we help our Bootcamper members who may be having some difficulties (and it happens. This is a hard exam)…
In that case, we get on the phone one-on-one and help them.
Worried you’re not on the right track? We get on the phone and help you – all year round. You just call the office and we help you.
Wondering if you’re doing the right thing? We get on the phone and help you one-on-one. We have a whole team of incredible people available to help. That’s how we make sure each and every student is on the right track.
The hard truth is that you’re going to have problems no matter how you study, but with us you get a team of caring, honest and kind people to support you through. But you’ve got to be willing to have that honest conversation – it’s a normal part of being a high performer and doctor.
So people have a choice – they can:
1 – Blame the world for their problems, just the sad world of online trollery, be a leaf blowing in the wind and never make any real changes and probably never become a doctor (some of them do sneak through – which is scary!).
2 – Be strong by being vulnerable about their difficulties and talk honestly to the people who are there to help. That’s how doctors do it. That’s the only way you learn, grow and succeed on this journey of medicine and life. And it’s actually fun and feels great to do!
So if you’re number 1, then we can’t help you.
But if you’re ready to be number 2, then let’s have a conversation to see if we can help you and if this is a good fit.
In the meantime, enjoy the other inspirational PassGAMSAT reviews and case studies by clicking below.