Netflix’s Chef’s Table vs GAMSAT

Netflix’s Chef’s Table vs GAMSAT

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My go-to Netflix series right now is Chef’s Table.

Personally, I have nothing but contempt for reality cooking competition shows.  

You know the ones: some accountant decides they’ve always wanted to be a chef but instead of doing it the usual way by getting an apprenticeship – like every other legitimate chef in the world – they think a TV show is a way to go.

Give me a break.

Or the bitch-fest ones where they cook for each other and then gossip the whole time. I’ve got better things to do. 

I used to love cooking shows with recipes, like Jamie Oliver’s stuff, but Mare made me sit through so many of them that I can stand them anymore.

On the other hand, Chef’s Table has me hooked.

It’s about so much more than food. 

Each episode tells the story of a chef from around the world who takes a huge amount of meaning from their work. About how they add their individual stories and background to their cooking. How they’ve overcome challenges to reach the top of their field and love being there.

It’s a study in how to live a meaningful life. 

Last night I watched the one about an Italian Butcher, Dario Cecchini, who turned to cook.

Here’s a guy who started his career wanting to be someone who cares for and saves animals – a Veterinarian.

But then in quick succession, his mother and father passed away. So it fell onto Dario to take over the family business, butchery.

He went from saving animals to killing and chopping them up.

At least, that’s how he saw it at first.

Then over the years, he noticed that people only wanted steaks and fillets. The rest of the animal was going to waste. But Dario grew up eating and loving the ‘extra bits’ of the animal.

So he started his own restaurant where they serve the hooves, the snouts, the tripe, all the bits people usually don’t like.

And over time, he has changed the way his patrons, and other restauranteurs approached the animal.

He taught people to appreciate and be grateful for every piece of the animal. The use and love it all.

Instead of saving them in life, he was able to find meaning by saving them in death. And he loves his work.

The meaning we take out of what we do is what drives us forward, especially when things are tough, and allows us to live a happy life.

It applies to the GAMSAT too. What you’re doing by being on this journey is about so much more than just this exam.

The bigger meaning is important to remember. This exam might be a pain but it’s the stepping stone to you becoming someone who can save lives. 

It’s about having the skills to make sure that people like your Grandparents don’t suffer. So that other families don’t go through what yours did so that people don’t go without the healthcare they need, and so that you never feel helpless again.

What’s the bigger meaning for you?

Because, as I like to say, the GAMSAT is about so much more than just the Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

That’s why I do all of this.

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