Netflix for Section 1?
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Remember back in school, in English class, when someone suggested you could just watch the movie (which is fun, easy and exciting) instead of reading the book (which is boring and hard)…
And you never ever did it.
Because you’re smart.
You know that as much fun as it would be to watch the movie (ok maybe you did it once or twice, but you always read the book too)…
You know it’s a crazy idea.
Watching the movie is nothing like reading the book, especially when it comes to the test.
And that’s why you’re here doing the GAMSAT.
Because you did the smart thing, did the hard work, got the good grades and here we are.
The people who watched the movie instead, well, who knows what happened the them.
Works the same way with the GAMSAT.
Obviously watching Netflix isn’t going to help with Section 1.
But some people still think Ted Talks will help.
Or reading the newspaper.
Or random reading aka ‘Reading widely’.
None of that works.
It’s the GAMSAT equivalent of watching the movie.
Instead, you need to do the stuff that actually develops the skills that will be tested in this section.
I can tell you now, there will not be any questions about the latest Ted talk you watched.
You need a systematic step-by-step approach to pulling apart, understanding and using any piece of section 1 stimulus material they give you.
If you have that, then you can far more easily and quickly move through even the most unexpected and complex passages calmly, quickly and correctly…
And get them right.
Put in the work, and you may even be able to get them right every time.
That’s what I’m going to show you how to do here.
In fact, I’ll gonna go into great detail.
I’ll give you the step-by-step approach (so you don’t have to develop it yourself) and I’ll show you how it works by applying it to practice questions.
Then all you need to do is copy and repeat it.
But only here.
Dr “I’m watching Amazon Prime now” Tom