“Nat’s What I Recon” about your GAMSAT fears and anxieties
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G’Day Champions!
I just got me grumby little fingers on a yellow book called,
“Nat’s What I Recon: Uncook Yourself. A Ratbag’s Rules For Life.”
Nat is that tattooed, sweary, metal rocker dude who makes those funny viral videos about how he hates jar sauce and shows you how to cook your own awesome food instead.
He’s hilarious.
And he’s kinda of my ‘phraseology’ mentor.
Well, one of them.
I love the way he words things and the phrases he uses. Reminds me of the guys I grew up with in Sydney. Just like him.
Apart from being a comedian, rock musician, and an “isolation cooking champion,” he’s also a mental health ambassador. I don’t know if he works with any organisations, or has any professional qualifications or if he’s just a caring guy who’s worried about people, especially in these stressful times.
Either way,
It got me thinking about GAMSAT and uni and work and lockdowns all the pressures we put on ourselves.
Some people really struggle with it.
You know that SMS I sent out last week to see if I could help you with anything?
Well, someone replied saying:
How do you stop being depressed
My heart went out to this person because I know what it’s like.
After my daughter was born I struggled with depression and decided to see a therapist.
Turns out if you go to your GP they can give you a mental health care plan and you get 10 free visits to a Psychologist. I took them and they made all the difference.
I wasn’t depressed after that.
So I recommended that to the reader who sms’ed me.
I highly recommend anyone who is feeling the same way or has anxiety or any other concern that you’ve been struggling with to talk to their GP.
In the Bootcamp we help our students with ‘GAMSAT mindset’ – fear of failure, self-doubt, procrastination, high performance psychology, motivation, things like that.
But we’re not therapists. There’s a limit to what we can do.
So we sometimes recommend therapy to our students who are struggling.
And on that note,
I want to take a passage out of Nat’s book that really fits well in what we’re talking about:
“Well, what I reckon is that we are all a bit damaged, a bit frazzled, and maybe we should put having a bit of a laugh on the cards. I think the whole world is a bit bloody cooked at the moment, actually. What a fugken shytstorm the last while has been for most of us, hey? And with everything going on I think it’s real easy to forget sometimes that you’re actually a talented legend who’s doing bloody great with what you’re working with. It’s hard not to let yourself get caught up in the stress of it all. Shyt, I know I do. So I’m here to remind you what a bloody champion you are.”
There you have it, Champions.
Couldn’t have said it better m’self.
And if you’re like our help managing work, uni and smashing the GAMSAT at the same time then this will rock your world.
Dr “You’re a legend” Tom