My Section 1 “GAMSAT Vocab Multiplier”
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A question came in from a Bootcamper:
“For Section 1, many of the answers are very big and complicated words so even though I know what the author is conveying, I don’t select the right answer due to me being unsure of the meaning of the words given. If you have any advice on how I should tackle this issue, this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much”
This type of question has always been …
A massive pain in the butt for Yours Truly. 😒
=> Learn how to score 70+ on Section 1 even if you hate poetry, literature and words and stuff.
Mainly because there hasn’t been a good enough solution to it other than what has now become my second most disliked way of studying for Section 1 …
… The first being ‘reading widely’ (whatever that means) …
And that is …
Vocab lists.
I HATE vocab lists.
It goes back to when I was in High School and later doing the GAMSAT.
English is my Second language so vocab was always a big problem for me.
All anyone ever told me was …
Read a lot a.k.a. read widely and make vocab lists. 😕
And being the good student I was, I made those bloody vocab lists.
Here’s what would happen …
(Tell me if this hasn’t been your experience too)
You collect all those words – anywhere from 40-80 words, or more!
Maybe even make them look real purty-like with colourful flashcards.
Then one of two things happens:
1) You never … ever … look at them again.
So yeah, total waste of time.
(Ok maybe you look a couple times but every time you do it’s like you’re looking at them for the first time because you still don’t remember what the hell each word means. At best you remember 5-10 of them before the exam.)
2) None of your words come up on the exam anyway.
So you may as well have been studying for section 3 … or watching Netflix.
So my less than anaemic response to this has always been …
“Get good at understanding the meaning from the context”
At least that way you’ll be able to answer all the other questions if you can’t get the vocab based ones.
That is, until now …
Because when my “Jason Bourne of GAMSAT” a.k.a my Student Support Coach, Alex, received the above message from a concerned Bootcamper she popped out yet another GAMSAT-Assassin-like skill I didn’t even know she had!
And proceeded to create a brand new training on how to learn vocab faster than I ever thought possible.
Here’s how it works …
You use what we’re now calling our GAMSAT Vocab Multiplier to learn, say, 5 new words.
(You can learn as many as you want but for this example let’s go with 5)
But you’re not making yet another vocab list.
Instead you’re taking a unique approach – our GAMSAT Vocab Multiplier approach, to be precise – which involves doing a ‘little exercise’ on those words which is actually kinda fun (and that’s coming from me!) and by doing so …
The ‘butterfly effect’ sets in – you know, when a butterfly lands on the surface of a tranquil pond, the samll ripple it makes from touching the surface expands out and out and out until it covers the entire pond (I even started calling this the “Vocab Butterfly Effect” but changed it).
… So as a result you actually understand anywhere from 15-20 new words.
Let me repeat that:
You study 5 words with the GAMSAT Vocab Multiplier approach, but understand 15-20 new words …
With no extra effort or study.
You’ve just multiplied your work 3-4x 😇
In order to illustrate the significance of this monumental discovery …
Let’s take this even further, shall we.
Learn 10 new words with our GAMSAT Vocab Multiplier, understand 30-40 with no extra effort or study.
Learn 20 new words, understand 60-80 with no extra effort or study.
Learn 40 new words, understand 120-160 with no extra effort or study.
Learn 80 new words (and this isn’t the frivolous process of memorising definitions so it means you actually learn them), understand 240-320 new words with no extra effort or study.
How many words are on your current vocab list?
What if you could learn all of them and more quicker but ‘playing’ with them rather than attempting to pointlessly memorise them …
And as a result understand 3-4 times as many words with…
No extra effort or study?
That right there… is secksy as hell. 😎
That’s our GAMSAT Vocab Multiplier.
And I’m going to show you how to do it only here.
Or, you can join my Bootcamp.
Dr “GAMSAT Vocab Multiplier” Tom
P.S. Talking about the GAMSAT Vocab Multiplier wasn’t in my original plan for this event
Frankly, I’m starting to think it’s too valubale to just give away for free …
However, I’ve added it last minute because I know how much of a pain in the butt vocab is for most people. I’m doing what I can to help my most loyal readers.