MY… GAMSAT fear comes true.
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Looks like there was a broken link in one of the emails over the weekend.
That’s truly embarrassing.
It’s one of my secret fears.
It’s not much compared to what you’re facing with the GAMSAT and all…
But I go to a lot of effort to create something I’m proud of.
And broken links give me the shyts.
(Even more so than people who recommend “read widely” for Section 1… yeah… that’s how much I don’t like broken links.)
=> Here’s one to this week’s Science Section training that actually works.
And you were all too polite to say anything about it.
Oh, [First Name].
You’re too kind.
But seriously, I might write emails like Dr Evil but I’m not a jerk.
So feel free to reply with your GAMSAT questions, comments or just to say “Hi”.
I have thousands of people on this list but I personally read most of them (the ones that can be handled by my team, or admin-y ones, or when people just say ‘unsubscribe’ instead of scrolling down to the bottom and doing it themselves…yeah, those I don’t see. But genuine emails I do.)
It was a busy week last week so this one link snuck through the cracks.
We hired a new Student Support Coach who is like the ‘Mother Hen’ for our Bootcampers.
‘GAMSAT Mindset’ issues like fear of failure, exam anxiety, overwhelm, poor study habits, perfectionism, stress, self-doubts and stress are a major problem for GAMSAT candidates. That’s why we hired Alex.
She’s here full-time and has a background in life and strategic coaching.
She’s worked with high performance individuals in many fields helping them to better manage their time, energy, abilities and generally reach their goals more quickly and effectively.
And we’re currently training her in the ‘dark arts’ of GAMSAT.
Which is a lot!
(She needs to be performing extremely well to be unleashed on my Bootcampers)
By ‘dark arts’ I mean,
Alex laughs every time I tell her how ACER says the assumed knowledge for S3 is one thing… and then they test you on something completely different.
That’s dark.
At a live event we ran pre-COVID at USyd one of the attendees put it well. He said that the S3 questions go something like:
“If x is 3 and bananas are yellow…
What is the distance from Mars to the Sun?”
It’s not as funny when you’re in the exam.
And you need to become extremely good at answering these ‘peculiar’ questions correctly and quickly.
So how the heck do you do it?
Well, that’s what I’m showing you right here.
It’s a live online training session called,
“What is the GAMSAT science section REALLY about?”
It’s the only place you can see me (for free, that is) go into detail with sample questions and case studies to teach you what to study for S3, how to study it, how to begin if you’re just starting and how to improve your score if you’ve done it before.
And it might be the last time I run this… ever… especially due to the announcement that’s coming in early December.
So here’s the link to register one of the limited spots.
Dr “Broken Link Hunter” Tom