How to Learn How To Give Yourself a Chance
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Over the past several weeks, Dr Tom & I have had loads of conversations with our Bootcampers and the public about their GAMSAT preparation and how to improve.
There’s been frustration, confusion, misconceptions and rumor mills on how to improve and get a better score.
The biggest lesson that we’ve learned from you guys, is that you’re not giving yourself a chance to do this.
Now what does this mean exactly? You guys want results, and you want them FAST, but as the saying goes, ‘all good things come to those who wait’ or in the GAMSAT case, for those who give themselves a chance.
If you’re reading this and thinking ‘that is so me‘ then we’re here to help steer you in the right direction of HOW to give yourself a chance.
Firstly, giving yourself two weeks to prepare is not giving yourself a chance. The GAMSAT takes more than a few weeks of study to readily feel prepared and to get the score that you’re after. That’s the first mistake. If you’re planning to re-sit the GAMSAT again because of this mistake and realisation then don’t do the same thing twice. Change it. Give yourself a few months and plan out the study in advance so you’re giving yourself a chance to improve.
Secondly, old habits die hard. Now what does this saying have to do with my study and the GAMSAT? Basically, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is the old habit of die hard. If you have spent countless hours doing practice questions over and over again and plan to do it again for the next GAMSAT but expecting different results, then you’re setting yourself up for failure. , You haven’t given yourself a chance to improve or to understand where you’re going wrong.
Thirdly, you need to re-assess your overall mindset in regards to your study and the GAMSAT. Asking yourself questions like ‘What score do I want, am I putting in enough time and effort to achieve that result? Do I put too much pressure on myself without giving myself a chance to develop the skills necessary to succeed in the exam?’
If some or all of the above applies to you, then please, take step back and give yourself a chance.
A chance to take some time out to re-evaluate and re-assess your study pattern and learning skills.
A chance to create a positive mindset around the GAMSAT and what you want to get out of it.
A chance to give yourself enough time (not 2 weeks but 2 months) of preparation.
We are all about 110% effort, desire, dedication and motivation when it comes to the GAMSAT, but this mentality requires giving yourself a chance to be able to do that.
One of the great aspects of being a Bootcamp member with us, is that you get access to resources that help with you with your preparation, your timing, and having a healthy mindset.
If you want to give yourself a chance, but actually not sure how to do so, then get in touch with us. We’d love to help!