I’ve given up on the essays and am studying the sciences instead
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Sometimes I get emails like this:
“Dr Tom, I feel terrible! I’ve been writing essays but I don’t know if they’re any good. It feels pointless. I’m still struggling to come up with descent ideas quickly and it takes me too long put to put my thoughts onto paper. So I’m finding it really hard to get the motivation to study for this section and I’ve just about given up. I’ve been studying the science section instead hoping that something amazing happens on the day for the essays. Is there anything I can do to get back in the saddle quickly and get a high score? I have a second wind now and really want to get a great score!”
Hey, I get it!
And believe me when I say that you’re NOT alone.
A lot of science students and, even people who have written essays at uni, struggle with this vague and frustrating section.
There are clear steps you can take to turn this around and get back on track.
So here’s what I suggest:
First, throw out whatever essay study plan or process you were following.
Clearly it’s too complicated and hard and, from the sounds of it (since you weren’t making any progress) it ain’t working.
Next, attend my live training on the essay section.
What I cover there is based on SPEED.
I don’t believe in long waits to see results with your essays writing and neither should you.
It’s based on pure results of the students we’re helped over the years. It was invented by some of the smartest people in the country and perfected for you by our world-class team and Yours Truly. Everyone is different, but I would guess you’ll increase your score by 5-15 points from now until March, and up to 25 points before September (this is no guarantee – it will require some elbow grease and the correct application of the techniques – it’s more of a guess based on what I know about the process and have seen before).
If you add in essay feedback it’s even faster and more effective.
(Especially if you follow the step-by-step process that I cover during the training session).
And that’s it!
Oh and you don’t have to read endless boring current affairs not knowing if they will be useful. “Reading widely” is one of my pet-peaves – it doesn’t work.
No study time is wasted with this approach.
Anyway, here’s where to reserve your spot
Kind Regards,
Dr “Turn your essays around” Tom