How Do You Increase Your GAMSAT Score?
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Did you get a lower than expected score on the last GAMSAT?
Perhaps you weren’t taking it seriously…
Or maybe you were,
But you thought your score would be higher. Much higher.
It hurts to get a low score.
It’s like a punch in the stomach, or slap in the face.
It’s heart-breaking.
And now it’s got you wondering…
Can I actually do this?
Is this a sign?
How do I increase my score?
The worst part is that they don’t give me any feedback after the GAMSAT. Sure, you have your GAMSAT score and the score for each section,
But that’s not even the raw score. It’s been scaled and changed so much that it’s not a good reflection of your performance on the questions.
And what about within each section – the score doesn’t tell you what aspects of S3 you messed up and need to work on.
So essentially, you’re left guessing what you did wrong and what you should do next.
That makes study difficult. VERY difficult.
It’s like you’re blindfolded…
While walking through a minefield…
And you don’t know there are mines.
EVEN IF you did know what you got wrong on the exam… how do you actually increase your score?!
Reading textbooks and watching Khan Academy doesn’t work.
‘Reading widely’ is a waste of time.
Doing more of the same thing will keep getting you the same score.
So what will actually help?
How should you do things differently this time?
How do you make sure that you get into medical school THIS year?
Well, there’s a 3 step process you need to take.
It’s just like when a patient comes to see me in the Emergency department.
First I need to diagnose the problem. I use my years of experience to laser focus in on what the actual problem is.
There’s no point starting a treatment until I know what’s wrong with my patient. Just like there’s no point starting GAMSAT prep when you don’t know what’s wrong with your GAMSAT abilities.
And as we’ve just covered, you’re guessing what might be your GAMSAT problem. You don’t know what you need to focus on in your study.
The second thing I do is set a personalised treatment plan, based on my patient’s problems. Just like you need a personalised GAMSAT approach to address the exact issues you’re struggling with.
That way your study is more effective and you can get a higher score more quickly.
Finally I check in on my patient to see how they’re progressing. That way I can make sure they’re on the right track and all their questions are answered.
In this way my patients are well looked after and you as a GAMSAT candidate get the results you want.
If you want us to do this with your GAMSAT preparation (not healthcare, we’ll leave that for your usual doctor 🙂
…then click here and talk to our team. They will go through this 3 step analysis with you and if at the end of the conversation you want our help, we talk further about that.