How to write high scoring essays like an ESL student
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Not sure if you know my background, but I wasn’t born in Australia.
We were political refugees from Poland (that’s a story for another day.) But it means that English is not my first language.
I started school in Australia in Year 1 without a word of English.
It was pretty rough.
In fact, I was so bad at English in high school that they put me in ESL classes. If you don’t know what these are, they’re classes for the kids who are so bad, the school’s like, ‘dude, we’ll pay… no, no, we’ll pay for the extra tutoring ourselves… on top of your regular classes because you stink.’
Yet, here I am.
I got through the GAMSAT, became a doctor and have taught thousands of people how to write incredible GAMSAT essays.
I just pulled up the stats on my essays webinar. Turns out, over the years 3091 have seen it. And that doesn’t even include my other free essays module (which is a very popular download of ourselves – hint, hint to the other prep provides and lone-wolf-tutors reading my stuff), plus the paid essay writing and feedback programs I have.
All in all, I recon my English teachers would pretty damn be proud. Or shocked and concerned for the state of the English language among our doctors.
Either way. I don’t care.
It’s proof that what my team and I have developed works like freakin’ crazy.
You don’t need to be an essay writing Nobel Prize winner to do well on this exam. I sure ain’t…
We’ve taken science students who write report style blocks of babble and turned them into 70+ scorers. In fact, one of them applied our stuff so well, when he got in after one attempt using our stuff we hired him to be a tutor on our team.
But one of my favourite examples is Dongxu. An international student from China. Enligh was like his third language. Kept failing sections 1 and 2.
When I spoke to him on the phone, it became clear why.
But what I love about Dongxu is his determination. There was no way he was going back home as ‘just an engineer’.
Anyways, I’m going to be revealing some of these approaches, click here to join the Bootcamp.