How I ‘broke’ the Paging Dr forum.
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(Don’t worry, I’ve updated it since then … though not as much as I’d like 😬)
And when it did come out,
It was quite controversial.
In fact,
It almost ‘broke’ the Paging Dr GAMSAT forum.
Yeah, that forum…
… the original online GAMSAT cesspool full of Forum Flexors, Lone Wolf Tutors, GAMSAT Hobbyists, low IQ Trolls and a licorice assortment of anonymous mouth-breathers angry-typing from their parents basement 😅
(What? I played nice until they got nasty)
Here’s what happened:
When the ebook came out they didn’t like it.
Within only a few hours there were hundreds of troll comments.
Crazy, nasty shyt the likes of which I’d never seen before, or since.
… to the extent that admin had to delete images and posts, and lock the thread to prevent new comments.
It really shook me up.
I mean,
Here I am, having just received an offer for Notre Dame, Sydney, and haven’t even started yet…
And they’re encouraging other ND students to “out” me when I get there … whatever that means.
These were the original GAMSAT trolls.
(thanks Paging Dr for that beautiful legacy you left us 🧐)
So at this point I’m half expecting to turn up on my first day…
… The start of my dream career, after 3 years of back-breaking effort to get here, a BIG deal in anyone’s life, I’m nervous as it is…
And now I think there’s going to be an angry mob of half deformed trolls, with Dorito crumbs still on their shirts, pitchforks in hand and efigies of your ol’ mate Dr T ready to “out” me upon my arrival.
OK, maybe not that extreme…
But I’m actually scared of what might happen.
And you know what does happen?
Sweet F- all.
No one “outs me”, no one confronts me or even as much as mentions it …
For the entire degree.
That’s how pathetic these trolls are. All talk, not action.
In fact,
The few friends I told about the ebook and PassGAMSAT over the course of the 4 year degree – I was kinda cautious at that point so kept it to myself – were jealous that they didn’t think of it themselves!
And some even asked me for a job. 😂
What the crazies on that forum didn’t realise was they actually helped bring attention to my book.
(Thank you! 💓 )
Along with some other sources of traffic, they gave me at least a couple dozen downloads every single day.
Which adds up over 15 years.
Since then it’s had over 50,000 downloads and become arguably the most popular GAMSAT preparation book on the planet.
(Despite needing a revamp and having a crappy mobile webpage)
But now it’s getting it’s long overdue make-over along with a number of other things at PassGAMSAT.
I’ll be announcing something very exciting next week about that.
In the meantime,
You can still get the current version of “the most popular GAMSAT preparation ebook on the planet” for free for a limited time…
And if you have some friends who need to see it too, now’s the time to forward them this email.
Dr “Mouth Breathers LOL” Tom