How “double bubble” got this first-timer into TWO medical schools
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One of my favourite movies ever is The Gentlemen by Guy Richtie.
Seen it like 6 times now.
My wife doesn’t understand.
I don’t care. Love Guy’s movies.
The character played by Hugh Grant (who used to be big in RomComs in the 90s and early 2000s so I never really liked him because, hey, I’m a dude and #romcoms…until he played this character) uses the term ‘double bubble’ in the The Gentlemen movie.
And I found it amusing.
Now I get to use it in an email…
Because a lot of people are thinking way too small with their GAMSAT, medical school goals and even their future.
They’re desperately fighting tooth and nail to get even one interview offer…
Just one, from one university, pretty please.
Then along come m’Bootcampers and get double bubble interviews and offers:
And another one:
And there’s more with two interviews:
I think you get the picture.
It’s enough to almost make you wanna hate ‘em.
Until you, my friend, find yourself in that very same situation…
Having multiple interviews and then multiple medical schools wanting you to study with them.
Imagine doing that on your first attempt, like Asher and Claire.
Or even your next one!
Obviously, I can’t promise you that the same thing will happen to you – you’ve got to have the right level of commitment, dedication and work ethic.
But the point is,
You’ve got to expand your thinking on what’s possible.
My Bootcampers, love ‘em to bits, but they weren’t geniuses. They weren’t perfect human beings. They weren’t super women or men.
But they got two offers.
It’s like Anthony Greenbak said in The Book of Survival,
“To live through an impossible situation, you don’t need the reflexes of a Grand Prix driver, the muscles of a Hercules, the mind of an Einstein. You simply need to know what to do.”
If you also would like to know what to do to get a “double bubble”, or even a single bubble, on your next attempt then click here to find out what to do.
Dr “Double bubble” Tom