Going from the 60s into the 70s: it’s not like icing a cake
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Here is Common Misconception about GAMSAT #134:
If you get a score in the low 60s, say, and you want to get a higher one next time then all you have to do is a little bit of extra work and you’ll get there.
Maybe just a few extra practice questions… and you’ll make it over the 70 mark.
…You don’t have to go all out in your study, or study as hard as last time, or do even more than last time because you’re ‘already at the 60ish mark’.
It’s a reassuring thought.
But, just like thinking Trumpism is gone forever just because they took away his Twitter and Facebook accounts…
It’s wrong.
Here’s the thing…
Have you ever come across people who do the GAMSAT for years, study each time, they even get tutors, but never increase their score, or if they do increase, it’s only by like 1 mark?
Happens all the time.
Brendan James, for example, did the GAMSAT three time:
First time was just to get a feel for it and got a terrible score.
Second time, he studied hard and got a tutor – increased by 1 mark.
Third time, he went all out, we helped him do things right and he increased by 10 marks and finally got into his first preference university.
He had to go ‘all out’ on the third sitting to make that jump. Not just a little extra, but all out.
Now, this email isn’t about how good we are. I only mention Brendan to illustrate my point because he went through a similar journey to many people who score in the grey zone: the 60s.
Here’s another one:
Aleysha Clarke did the GAMSAT four times.
First time was just to get a feel for it: got a crap score.
Second time, studied a lot with some books: didn’t improve.
Third, studied a lot with books and even a tutor: increased minimally.
Fourth time, she went all out, we helped her, and you can probably imagine what happened next.
She’s now a doctor.
The point is,
Increasing your score in the GAMSAT isn’t like putting icing on a cake:
You’ve done most of the work making the base (getting to a score in the 60s)… and then all you need to do is a little extra work to put on the icing and you’re done (a little extra study to push you over the 70 mark).
Doesn’t work that way.
It’s more like learning a new language.
Getting into the 60s is like learning French.
If you want to go from the 60s into the 70s, then you’ve got to start again and learn Chinese.
All the work you did learning French was good, it shows you’re willing to learn and can learn. However, now you need to work just as hard, if not harder, to get this new language nailed.
That’s why our Bootcampers get such great results:
David went from outright failing the previous year to getting into Griffith by doing this.
Then there’s Meredith:
Or Hayden going from the 50s to the 70s:
They went “all out” to get that score.
Because that’s what it takes.
Otherwise you may very well end up doing this exam year after year, punishing yourself, but just missing out each time.
Like that old saying, “always the bridesmaid, never the bride”
If you’re ready to go “all out”, get an incredible score, and finally feel the relief of getting an offer, then this will show you how to do it.
Dr “Learn Chinese” Tom