GEMSAS offers were released today! Here’s the latest…
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Congratulations to those who received med offers today!!!
You freakin’ did it.
You’re officially going to be a doctor now. It’s happening. You – doctor – happening!
So incredibly happy for you.
This is what you’ve been waiting for and it happened. It’s here. It’s official.
You’ve got an incredible 4 years ahead of you.
Time to celebrate 🙂
Before you do that, if you scored over 70 in any of the sections and like to teach motivated students, give us a call on 0415 957 398 because we’re opening up a couple of tutoring positions, and now that you’re a Med student (how cool is that to say) this may be the perfect role for you.
Let’s have a chat and find out.
On the other hand,
There are probably a lot more people reading this who did not get offers this year.
And I’m really sorry to hear that.
I know from personal experience what that’s like and how heartbreaking it is.
It almost ruined my confidence.
When I received a rejection from USyd after two years of doing the GAMSAT I started wondering…
Am I actually good enough to do this?
Is this a sign?
Should I give up now?
Can I actually do this?
Why am I putting myself through this?
Will I ever get in?
Who do I think I am?
And this was after an interview so they got to know me personally and pretty much said – no, not you.
If you were already doubting yourself before the results then those voices are probably at a fever pitch right now yelling those doubts at you.
Trust me, that sh*t does your head in
It’s why I say that the GAMSAT is about much more than just the physics, chemistry, and poetry.
Just knowing the topics isn’t enough.
Doing lots of practice questions won’t help that much either.
There’s much more to this exam than that.
Like I said to the attendees of last night’s live webinar – the emotional/mindset stuff is like the foundation… If you don’t have that sorted, then the rest falls apart.
What this means is if you’re having all those doubts, it’s going to do your head in and you’re not going to do the work. You’re going to procrastinate, find “more important” things (like there’s really anything else more important than becoming a doctor…) to do and end up self sabotaging.
Or if you do get around to studying, you’re not going to put in 100% because that voice just keeps saying – what’s the point in pushing myself if I’m not going to get in anyway.
So you hold back and don’t even give yourself a solid chance to succeed.
You need to address this, fast.
And address is hard.
Bring it to a dead stop so that you can do the work that’s required, and do the right kind of work.
That’s why I’m running this.
It’s all about the mindset, the doubts, the fear of failure, the emotions.
I’m going to show you why and how this happens, what it means for your chance in the future and what to do about it now so that you can move forward in a strong way.
And look, not everyone will do the GAMSAT again.
Most probably won’t.
You may decide that this is enough and you’re moving onto other things in your life. And that’s OK.
But don’t do it out of a place of failure or dejection. Make sure it’s because you truly don’t want to become a doctor anymore.
Because let me ask you this…
If I had a spare position for medical school in my hand right now and I could hand it to you and you’d be in next year, and there was nothing else left to do, would you take it?
If that answer is ‘yes’…
Then it’s clear that you still actually want this but it’s the whole GAMSAT, applications, and interview process that’s holding you back.
If you want to know how to overcome that, then come along to this, and let’s see how you can actually make it happen this coming year.
Here’s what I mean:
This is Jonathan Chan.
He did the GAMSAT 4 times and had 3 ‘Emails of Death’.
But he was able to turn it around and get in. You may be able to do that same.
This is Bianca.
Similar kind of story – multiple GAMSATs and rejections but she applied what I’ll be covering here and ended up achieving her biggest dream ever.
And look, you may ultimately decide that you don’t want to be a doctor any more or that it’s just ‘too much’ for you and that’s OK to.
Or you’ll realise what you’ve been missing all alone and end up using this rejection as motivation to drive you even further and do even better.
Either way is OK with me.
Some people need to go through this journey to realise this.
This will help you make a confident decision.
But you need to be honest, vulnerable and upfront with me, but more importantly, with yourself.
It’s uncomfortable and may even be painful.
But that’s what it takes.
That’s the real growth that many of you have to go through to succeed here.
That’s what it took for me, as well as for Jon, Bianca, and all the others we’ve helped over the years.
With that said, take the weekend to celebrate (if you got in) or grieve (if you didn’t). Cry, shout, do what you need to. It’s OK.
Here to help,
Dr “You CAN do this” Tom