Forget about Dre… Dr Tom is here.
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So R’n’B Fridays Live in Brisbane was a lot of fun!!
I’m not going to show my booty shacking photos here for your sensitive eyes… (that’s what Insta is for)
But tell you what, there were some overly revealing outfits and dancing at the event. And it wasn’t just me either…
The biggest surprise was how many ‘young ones’ were there.
Yeah, I’m that old.
Well, not really…
To be honest, Mare and I are in our 30s (late 30s for me) and that music is stuff I listened to in my early twenties, at uni. Love it.
Ever since we had our daughter we’ve kinda slowed down…
But we still love to dance and love RnB, hip hop, rap, the lot. Lizzo… can’t get enough.
So when we were offered front of stage tickets to see 50 Cent, Janet Jackson, The Black Eyes Peas, Sisqo and more, we tweaked on over and claimed those babies.
When we arrived I thought everyone else would be an oldie like me. But no, it looks like today’s kids are pretty darn cool. I guess that’s why I love helping some of them become doctors.
So what’s that got to do with you?
Not much really.
The only relation is that we’ll be ‘revealing’ a whole bunch of GAMSAT prep insights, that usually stay hidden (kinda like my dancing at RnB Fridays), at our live events.
We’re dropping the board shorts, putting on our winter jackets, ditching the bad coffee and leaving the Sunny Coast to visit the great city of Melbourne.
…Sometimes I think maybe we should make our live events more like a music festival…
A DJ to liven things up. A couple of drinks to loosen everyone up. Back up dancers.
But then Mare says I’m being ridiculous.
…One day…
Truth is, our live events are already really popular (even without the bells and whistles). Our recent webinar about the essay section was oversubscribed by 2.5 times! Two and half times the amount of people registered compared to how many spots there were.
Our in-person live event at the University of Queensland last month was completely full.
Every seat in the room was taken.
As impressive as this is, I’m not saying it to impress you. More to emphasise that you really want to be there.
Our stuff rocks. It’s better than what people pay for elsewhere. But you’ve got to be ready to engage and have some fun. It’s not for people who late-life too seriously.
And because of the way we do it, it doesn’t take all day of droning to get through. Instead, it’s jam-packed, intensive, fun and insightful.
In fact, we should start charging for it!
I’m going to talk to Mare about that… and the whole festival thing again (I think I can wear her down).
In the meantime, here’s the link to join the Bootcamp.