Dr Tom’s “Only Fans”
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So my wife has a naughty habit…
No, it’s not what you’re thinking.
Get your mind out of the gutter.
The bad habit is that she reads news [dot] com [dot] au
And in moments of weakness, I too have succumbed to the lure of the sensational pointless mind-numbing info-tainment they offer. What they have on that site is a very loose definition of the word ‘news’.
I was on my wife’s computer recently and saw the site was open.
And it seems like the only way to be successful according to this ‘news’ site is to either be a gangster (if you’re male) or some other type of criminal. Or a pornstar (which is pretty much what ‘Only Fans’ is really about) if you’re female.
Is this really the shyte people are filling their heads with every day?
Is this what your everyday folk believe?
I hope not.
Sometimes we get so caught up in our own bubbles, surrounded by people like us who do what we do that it’s surprising what people outside that bubble do.
Case in point:
I don’t watch free-to-air TV anymore.
We have Stan and I just canceled Netflix (because enough is enough #toomanybinges)
We recently went to the Gold Coast for a long weekend and watched some free-to-air TV in the hotel room and the shyte that’s on there! Especially the commercials.
I mean, geez…
It was either gambling apps, companies sprooking loans, cheap cars, and news about how some ‘brilliant’ girl made 50K in a week on Only Fans (I think there’s a much deeper untold story to that which isn’t so rosy).
And the doctors you see on there are obnoxious, cold, and God-like figures who ‘give’ people life or take it away. As in, “the doctors gave me 5 weeks to live.” Rubbish.
No wonder people are so afraid of becoming doctors, doing the GAMSAT, failing it, or maybe even not being ‘perfect’ enough to get in.
It’s all made-up stuff that impresses the masses.
I can tell you right now, I ain’t perfect and neither are all my doctor’s friends. (I can tell you some stories that would make you wonder how they even got into medical school.)
That’s not what being a doctor is about, that’s not what passing the GAMSAT is about.
Here’s what it IS about:
This will help increase your section 3 score.
Rant over.
Dr “not God-like” Tom