“Does anyone else feel like giving up?”
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If you’re doing the GAMSAT for the first time, you’re gonna wanna see this.
A post from Reddit crash-landed into my inbox recently:
“It’s just so disheartening to consistently score low on Des S3 and average on Acer papers, I seem to have plateaued and am not even improving. I think my writings OK but I panic every time I sit down to write one and give up sometimes, feel like I’m hopeless for September.”
I get it!
And many people aren’t even doing as well in the questions as this person is.
It feels like banging your head against a brick wall – painful and ineffective.
And it’s heartbreaking.
You want to become a doctor so much, and you’re doing what you think is the best thing and yet the results aren’t there.
=> Learn How To Bust Through Just About Any GAMSAT Plateau AND Be More Confident Than Ever Before
Problem is,
Most Reddit ‘advice’ is about as useful as peeing into the wind.
And the comments on this one didn’t disappoint either.
There were a number of heartfelt and, admittedly, quite sweet comments.
They completely missed the point.
As is to be expected with Reddit.
(I think you can tell I’m not a fan)
It’s not that this person, and anyone else in their position, just needs to accept that the GAMSAT is hard and simply persist. (As one of the commenters said).
It’s not that they just need to focus on what it will be like to become a doctor, as another contributor mentioned (although that will help with the persistence part).
It’s also not that they should have other things in their life to focus on to keep them motivated (that, in fact, I would disagree with entirely because when it’s time for GAMSAT study, it should be your Everything for those few months).
The actual problem here is something else entirely…
And it’s the reason this person, and others in the same position, will most likely never break through their plateau.
Even after multiple GAMSAT attempts and years of grinding, frustrating study.
Which is the depressing truth no one wanted to tell our struggling mate.
Here’s the thing:
Looking at what this person is doing to study – practice questions and writing essays – I’m not surprised that they’ve hit a ceiling.
Practice questions don’t develop skills, they test them.
Imagine doing your final uni exams over and over again with no study in between and hoping to improve.
Crazy, right?
Same thing here.
There’s an ugly myth wreaking havoc on the socials and forums that doing practice questions, whether Des or ACER or something else, will somehow magically improve your score.
It doesn’t.
It won’t.
It can’t.
And this poor person is screaming proof of that.
It’s just like with every other exam you’ve done in your life…
You had to study to develop the skills and knowledge to do well on them, right?
…Even to be able to answer the questions at the back of the textbook.
You wouldn’t dream of just doing uni exams or uni practice questions without studying in between.
Why would GAMSAT be any different?
It’s just that most people don’t know what to actually study in between GAMSAT practice questions to improve their scores.
That’s why I’m doing this.
It will show you how to best approach your study so that you increase your scores consistently right up until the exam, for every section.
And if you somehow manage to plateau, it’ll show you how to figure out what’s going wrong, how to fix it, and get back on track… fast.
To get the details and to learn this and much more, click here.
It’s advice that doesn’t just feel good but is also effective.
Dr “Break through your plateau” Tom