Do you REALLY think you’re smart enough for this?
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The biggest and most dangerous question that goes through the mind of a GAMSAT candidate is,
“Do you really think you’re smart enough for this?”
It happened to me and it happens to everyone who gets a bad result.
It’s also the reason why people do the GAMSAT as a ‘trial’ or to ‘get a feel for it’. What you’re really doing is dipping your toe in the water because you’re worried that if you commit to this thing 100% you’re going to fall flat on your face and be devastated…
Because deep down you feel like you’re not smart enough to do it anyway. What’s the point in committing to it 100%…
So you half-ass your preparation. You hold back. You don’t give it the effort and commitment it deserves.
And what happens?
You get a bad result and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
It makes that fear and self-doubt even louder.
If you think it’s bad before your first GAMSAT attempt… it’s even worse after you’re done one or two of them. Because then you’re two GAMSAT in, two years in, and nothing to show for it. Now you really need to perform well.
But that fear and self-doubt is still there and stronger than ever before.
Unfortunately, trying to ignore it doesn’t help. Neither does try to study more or putting more pressure on yourself.
It doesn’t just go away.
And it’s going to keep holding you back until it’s addressed. You’re not going to prepare adequately with this fear hanging around in the background, undermining your efforts, causing you to hold back.
There is a better way. There is a solution to all of this.
This is one of the things we work on with our Bootcampers.
If you want to know how to effectively deal with this fear and cut it out of your life, plus develop the knowledge and skills that are actually being testing in this unusual exam, then talk to us about joining our Bootcamp by clicking here and enter your details.