Didn’t Get an Offer? The Avengers Movies has the Answer…
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Congratulations again to those who got offers on Friday!
Here’s an email I got from one of our Bootcamper:
What a great group we’ve got here in the Bootcamp! I’m really proud of them all.
And look, if you didn’t get an offer, here’s the thing…
Your time is coming.
How so?
I watched “Captain American” over the weekend (short story long – we have Disney+ now because Ruby wanted to watch Frozen 2 and it makes more sense to get Disney+ for a month then to rent or buy the movie, but then Ruby didn’t want to watch it because apparently it’s too scary or too full-on for our little 3 years old, so I thought, may as well watch come superhero movies).
Haven’t really been into the Avenger movies in the past because they seemed silly.
But I gave it a go and LOVED Cap’n American.
Go ‘Merica!
The story is really really cool.
Here’s a guy who has a big heart, a good person, who wants to help others, make sacrifices for others, and make a positive difference…
But he struggles to do it in the physical world and keeps getting knocked down.
In Cap’n ‘Merica’s case it was because he was a physically small guy so couldn’t join the army and whenever he stood up for people he kept being beaten up. Kept facing disappointments, injury, and pain.
Nonetheless, he kept getting up and going at it.
Kept helping where he could and sacrificing himself for others.
And this is kind of the formula for a good Avengers-style movie…
Our big-hearted would-be hero is ‘given’ or ‘develops’ some kind of freaky superhuman ability in the physical world.
Cap’n ‘Merica volunteers for a science experiment which makes him big and strong.
Spiderman gets bitten by a Radioactive Spider.
Wolverine has a science experiment done on him and gets bones of steel and fast healing abilities…
I think you get the picture.
Then they combine this big-heartedness with the physical abilities and become superheroes.
The villains, on the other hand, are dodgy, to begin with, or feel like the world owes them something. They also get some super physical abilities and use them to reap revenge or get something from the world.
This might seem a bit silly but stick with me here…
Because it’s relevant to what you’re going through right now.
Many of you doing the GAMSAT are one of these Big-Hearted would-be superheroes – while others are the super-villain types 😛
You have the internal drive and kindness to do great things.
You want to make the sacrifices and make a positive impact.
Yet you struggle in the ‘physical world’ with the GAMSAT, applications, and the interview process.
I’m no superhero (super-villain, maybe – depends on who you ask) but I like to think that as part of the Bootcamp, as part of our student’s journey of getting into medicine, we’re helping them to ‘develop’ or ‘acquire’ their superhero powers in the physical world.
Those of you who got offers, you are now Medical Super Heros.
You have the internal and external and now the medical school will give you the training to use it well.
For those of you still on the journey this will help give you these superhuman powers.
This free training will show you how to turn your situation around.
These guys and gals from the movies felt small, insignificant, and were knocked down over and over but kept getting back up… before they were superheroes.
They focused on the good in people, the good in themselves, and in their mission.
They kept going and eventually broke through.
Your time is coming.
Keep going (and this will help).
Dr “X or Evil, not sure” Tom