Come and learn from my “outdated” methods
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A less-than insightful online troll once grumbled that my material was “outdated”.
I found that amusing.
It’s a sign that I’m on the right track (and turning away the right people)
Because he/she was correct.
They are old.
From years and years ago. Not all of them, but some of them are.
And that’s exactly why you need to see them, learn them, use them, sleep next to them, apply them as soon as you wake up and right before bed and hell… most of the time in between too if you’re serious about this.
That’s because they work.
We’ve been doing this for so long that we’ve created an arsenal of methods, strategies, thinking approaches, personal development methods, study techniques and more that have been carefully crafted, tested, refined, and perfected over many years and thousands of people.
Hence some of them are old.
Because they work.
So why change them.
New techniques and methods are often experimental – do they work? Do they not? Who knows? They’re fun to do but do you want to risk your future on them and be the crash test dummy?
Or do you want test, tried and true approaches that will get you there?
And I can already hear the GAMSAT Hobbyist yelling from behind their Playstation remotes, “but the GAMSAT has changed!”
(Oh the Hobbyists…)
Not quite, my confused little friends.
There’s something else going on here.
Because you see, there’s only one thing you can expect to see on the GAMSAT…
And that’s the unexpected.
Which is what people are experiencing when they study a bunch of questions, state that ‘they’ve seen it all’ and get into the exam only to see the unexpected and shout, “it’s changed”.
It hasn’t changed. It’s unexpected. That’s how the GAMSAT is supposed to work.
You’ve got to get ready for the unexpected – whatever they throw at you. Develop the skills and abilities to handle that. So that when things come up that you didn’t plan for (which is about 50% of the exam), you can work through it and get a high score.
And that’s what my “outdated” approaches do.
So me thinks there’s no reason to change them just to satisfy the few people out there who have the attention span of a goldfish always looking for what’s “New!”
I’m happy to turn them away.
I prefer to help people like Lauren – who got into UQ on her very first attempt this year using my “outdated” methods. Funny that.
And also Jon who finally got in this year after applying our ‘old-man’ stuff:

If you want to know more about how to apply these highly effective, carefully crafted, tested and refined approaches to your preparation then come along to this.
Dr Tom