Don’t go to the gym and cycle while being on your phone
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After doing this for over 13 years I can confidently say that there are two steps to doing well in the GAMSAT.
Only two.
Step 1: Study correctly
Step 2: Do the study
=> Click Here To Learn How To Do The Study Despite Fear of Failure, Overwhelm or Procrastination
Sounds simple.
But most people get this wrong and that’s why the majority never score more than 70 no matter how many times they do the exam.
So let’s break it down so that you do it right on the very next exam.
Firstly, Step 1…
If you don’t study correctly then it doesn’t matter how hard you try, how long you prepare, and how many times you sit the GAMSAT – it ain’t gonna happen.
It’s like preparing for a running race by going swimming.
You may be great in the pool but you will fail the running race miserably.
You don’t have the right skills, abilities or understanding of what is going on in a running race so on the day it will go very badly.
Same thing in the GAMSAT – if you prepare in the wrong way (aka the usual uni preparation of studying textbooks then doing practice questions) then you also won’t develop the right skills, abilities or understanding of what is going on in the GAMSAT questions and perform really badly.
Here’s the rub: most people get this wrong and confuse what the GAMSAT is really about.
They end up using all the wrong approaches.
Hence it’s like they prepare for a running race by going swimming.
I talked about this on last week’s live training session.
And secondly,
We have the part that is often ignored because most people (including the Industrial-Chicken-Farm GAMSAT Prep providers) don’t know how to or don’t care enough to address it.
Because look, if you have the right approach but you don’t apply it…
Or you don’t apply it correctly or often enough with the right intensity…
Then it doesn’t matter what amazing preparation strategies you have (and this applies to my Bootcampers too), it ain’t gonna happen either.
Like having a gym membership and not using it – you’re not going to get into shape.
Or just going to the gym and passively cycling while staring at your phone the whole time (We’ve all seen those people – what’s the point of even being in the gym?!).
You need to apply it and apply it right and in the right intensity.
Most people focus on Step 1 – trying to figure out how to study the correct way.
But what can be even more damaging is the second step because even people who think they have the best study approach can fall victim to this.
This is cased by the Three Evil Monkeys:
Fear of failure (aka self-doubt), overwhelm and procrastination.
All of which spawn of the same thing… they come from the same place.
So with that in mind I want to help you overcome this.
I want to help you with some of the biggest problems causing candidates to not do the work – fear of failure, overwhelm and procrastination.
So I’m running a brand new, never before seen, never before done by anyone (because most people don’t know how to address this stuff) training session that will show you:
* Where this fear of failure and self-doubt comes from and how to get rid of it for good so that it doesn’t affect GAMSAT.
* How to turn the fear into something that motivates and drives you forward like never before, while others are overcome by it.
* The #1 way to develop your strength, confidence and resilience with this exam
* How your worries compare to others doing the GAMSAT and what it means about your chances.
* The 3 steps you need to follow right now to feel confident, on track and empowered with your preparation.
* How to actually prepare for the GAMSAT correctly so that your new found confidence leads to high marks.
* How to stop the overwhelm and get on track to getting your highest score yet.
* And much more.
This is the only place where you can get this. No one else talks about this.
So this is your chance to address it all.
Spots are extremely limited and going fast.
Click here to reserve your seat!
Dr “Overcome the fears” Tom