“Apparently, ’tis heating up”, said the GAMSAT Shakespeare.
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I just sent an email to all my BC’ers because…
We’re officially in summer now (except off course my GAMSAT readers outside of Australia – hi guys!).
And tell you what…
We’re feeling it here at Kings Beach.
People kept telling me when we moved up to the Sunshine Coast that it gets hot in the summer.
It gets hot in the summer…It gets hot in the summer, they said.
Whatever, I thought. So it gets hot.
So does Sydney.
No, it doesn’t.
This is different!
Today is the first day it’s really hit us and I get it now.
As a result, I’ve taken to wearing those super-light 100% viscose shirts that capture any gust of wind. I feel like I’m living in Florida or something.
What this really means, and the reason why I started telling this story, is that we’re on.
Summer means we’re on for the March GAMSAT.
It’s study time.
(Which sounds kinda depressing… But it’s ok because it’s a few months that determine the rest of your life. And you’re going to be a doctor.)
So a few important points came to mind after being in this position many times before…
And from the feedback I’ve been getting from the PassGAMSAT Team recently, I gave our Bootcampers a few important steps to take right about now.
It’s at this time of the year that you can really do some damage to your competition if you play your cards right.
It’s also a time you can also do yourself some damage if you misstep.
But as you can understand, I can’t tell you what those things are, unless you’re in the Bootcamp.
What I can tell you is that this Thursday night I’m running a live online training session about Section 1.
It will show you how to actually study for this section, how to improve your timing, how to interpret the complex long passages and a lot more.
I’ll also give you an insight into what my Bootcampers are doing right now that’s getting incredible results. (Some of which may include what I told them this afternoon).
If you missed it, then here is the link to join our Bootcamp and get all the information:
Here’s the link to join the Bootcamp.
Dr Tom
P.S. I’m off to get a cold drink. I hear Four X is good…
P.P.S. Said no one ever.