Webinar Agenda: Applications & Interview Prep
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It’s me again,
Mare 🙂
I’m super EXCITED for Thursday’s online session about applications and interviews!
I’m finalizing the agenda and wanted to share some of it with you…
On Thursday we will cover in-depth, and touch upon other areas, including:
- What to expect on the day of the interview and how to get ready for it
- What to do if you’ve done an interview before and didn’t get in.
- What types of interview questions will come up (including scenarios, ethical-based questions, and other hard ones) with examples and sample answers.
- The best way to prepare efficiently, what to practice, and how much preparation is needed so that you can attend the interview knowing you are totally prepared
- How to actually get an interview in the first place – not everyone with a high GAMSAT score gets one!
- Why so many people mess up their applications each year and don’t get an interview when they probably should get one.
- What the interviewers are looking for in the interview – things like the characteristics and qualities of a medical student, as well as experiences and knowledge – including the obvious stuff you may not have thought about and also the hidden secret things they won’t tell you about on their website or even their invitation emails.
- How to tell what the examiners are really asking and what answers they are looking for… this is NOT what you expect.
- How to best answer the ethical based questions, and other tricky ones like “why do you want to become a doctor?” and do it on the fly with only a few seconds to think even when you had no idea what questions are going to be asked (this won’t be easy, but if you follow what I tell you then you’re going to do better than you probably ever expected).
- How to sound, and be, genuine and confident without sounding rehearsed or arrogant.
- What is a portfolio and personal statement, and how to make it good
- Why people with a lower score, like your friend, got an interview and you didn’t even though you had a higher GAMSAT score and GPA – and I’m not talking about being a rural or international student either.
Plus you’ll get to ask any questions you have and we may even have a chat.
If that sounds useful to you then here’s the link to come along – it’s all online.
MJF xx
P.S. If you’re wondering “where’s Dr Tom and who the hell is Mare?” then I don’t blame you haha 🙂
I’ve taken over the emails for a little while in the lead-up to our applications and interview training this Thursday. Dr Tom and I will be presenting it together so I thought I’d introduce myself here first.