A hair-raising tale of last minute GAMSAT preparation
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Behold a story from Dr. Tom’s Book of the GAMSAT Undead…
Being a hard-working uni graduate our dear John had been a bit overwhelmed by all the content to cover in his GAMSAT prep, all the overtime he was doing at work, and managing life.
Having done the GAMSAT before, he thought this time it would be different.
This time I’m wiser, I’ll start earlier, I know what to work on, and will make better progress.
=> Click Here To Learn What To Do Now So You Are Ready For March 2021
But, the demons of daily life…
And the added goblins of CV19 life…
Tried to hold him back.
He hath battled them and managed to study consistently until only a few weeks before the recent exam.
But then…
As the time ticked away and Sauron’s powers grew ever stronger and the Orcs got dangerously close…
There was a problem…
He realized that he had the wrong weapons for the fight all along.
He realized that his plan had betrayed him, he hadn’t made the progress he expected, was still getting too many questions wrong and didn’t know what to do to change it.
Could he save his exam?
Was it a write-off?
Was it all for nothing?
The pressure was on, the stress was high and the results were terrifying.
He was getting less than 60% of his questions correct under timed conditions and didn’t know what else to do to improve.
It was bad.
That’s why we’re doing this.
It will show the big-hearted John’s of the world and his pals from the Shire what path to take now so that this does not happen to you.
It will show you where the GAMSAT Orcs are hiding in ambush, where the secret passage is, and how to use the time you have to give yourself the best chance of scoring 70+ in March.
We see these last-minute freak-outs ways too often.
People study the wrong way all along and realize it too late when there’s nothing that can be done about it and the exam is lost.
Whether you become like John, or whether you learn from his lessons, it’s up to you.
The choice is yours.
Either way, heed this warning for it’s a bad place to end up and there are no winners.
If you would like some help with it then complete this questionnaire and let’s have chat.
To your success
Dr “Start with the right plan” Tom