A 90s video game explains why most GAMSAT essays stink?
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Did you ever play the “Lemmings” video game growing up?
I still think about it these days…
Those little things were so dumb.
They would just follow one another around endlessly and if one fell off the cliff the rest would follow.
You had to race against time to put up barriers or dig holes or whatever to keep the little shyts from walking into a fire or getting crushed under a boulder. Then you had to think for them and create a path for them to follow.
If not, they’d just keep walking in circles.
Or worse, they’d just follow each other to their own doom.
Totally mindless.
But playing the game would bring up this strange mix of emotions.
On one hand, you wanted to care for and protect them.
On the other hand, if you were having a bad day, you could set up deadly obstacles on purpose and watch them squeal, while you were there laughing an evil laugh. Which ended up giving you an unsatisfyingly-empty-guilty feeling.
But mostly you tended to care for these lovable, naive little creatures.
The point?
It often feels like most people doing the GAMSAT are like Lemmings – lovable little creatures following each other to their own doom without ever engaging their own brain. And it’s a race against time to save the little shytes.
That, my friend, is your competition.
At times your competition is intense. Crazy intense. Some of the smartest people in the country.
At other times it becomes clear that many of them would sooner blow themselves up, even though they can clearly see others doing it, rather than engage their own brain, think critically and stand out from the crowd because… #effort.
Yet, that’s what it takes to do well at the GAMSAT. (And to a good doctor!)
Especially in the essay section.
The GAMSAT Lemmings out there (GAM-ings? Lem-SATs? No, that doesn’t work) will write the same standard essay everyone else will…
They will blindly follow what some random Forum-Flexor suggests online…
They will rely on pointless essay banks…
And they will listen to the same ‘tips’ like reading AC Grayling or reading widely…
Only to get a 48.
By doing so, they don’t actually fulfill the criteria or give the markers what they love to read.
That’s your job, my wise reader.
And I’m going to show you exactly how to do that here.
You’ll learn what the markers are really looking for in the essay section, how to stand out, how to come up with great ideas quickly, how to get your thoughts onto paper effectively, and how to impress the markers from the very first line – so they know you’re definitely not one of the oh-so-common Lemmings.
But be warned – you will need to engage your brain and apply this material.
If you’re looking for the magic ‘tips’ that require no brain power or effort, then Lemmings heaven is on some online forum somewhere, not here.
Dr “No Lemmings allowed” Tom