550 people ‘banished’ from our list.
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I just removed over 550 people from my database.
And will happily do that every week.
In fact, I usually look forward to it.
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They were clogging things up. Not engaging. Not taking things seriously.
So, gone.
As Marie Kondo says…
(Actually, I don’t know if it was her or I just saw it on some meme somewhere, but it sounds like it would have been her)
When you get rid of the deadwood in your life you make room for the things you want. The good things. The good people.
So I got rid of the people who were not reading or engaging with my stuff.
The same goes for you and your GAMSAT science section study.
When you get rid of the terrible physics and chemistry advice and techniques that don’t work…
When you stop mindlessly doing endless practice questions (which don’t develop skills, they test them)
And stop just studying science content…(which is not what the science section is testing you on)
You naturally make room for better things to enter your life.
Just like this.
So it’s time to cut away the things that aren’t helping you and engage with those that are – in all areas of your life.
Dr “Always Be Pruning” Tom