How does the new no-calculator rule affect my GAMSAT result?
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It is Doctor Tom here and today I am going to talk to you about how not having a calculator in the science section is going to affect your science section result.
I got a question recently from one of our bootcamp members. In the science section, he was worried that he could not have a calculator.
The fact is it does not really change anything.
Even if you have a calculator, you will not use it anyway because if you did use it, it will just reassure yourself that you done the numbers right.
The way that ACER puts together the questions is in such a way that you don’t really need a calculator. There will be calculations. But, the numbers will be done in such a way that there are not huge decimal places.You will not be doing huge math.
It is not a maths test and you will not be tested on complicated math equations and calculations.
What ACER wants you to do is be able to do is use those numbers, calculations, and formulas to answer the questions with your reasoning ability.
The bottom line is you don’t need a calculator in the science section anyway so dont worry about it.
Keep going with your preparation and you will gonna do really well.
See you next time!